November 23

Recette Speciale

Enchiladas du bœuf


Douze farine tortillas

Un demi-kilo de haché bœuf

Un pot de la picante sauce

Un demi-tasse des tomates



1. Préchauffer le four à 350º F

2. Faire cuire le bœuf dans une poêle au-dessus de chaleur moyen. Quand c’est brunis mélanger dans un demi-tasse de la picante sauce et une tasse du fromage

3. Ajouter les tomates et tout ce que vous choisissez tel que des poivrons, des oignons, et d’ail.

4. Étaler un demi-tasse de la picante sauce dans un plat de cuisson.

5. Mettre deux cuillères à soupe de la viande mélange dans chaque enchilada. Rouler les enchiladas et mettre le fromage et supplémentaire sauce dessus.

6. Cuire pour vingt minutes et bon appétit!


J’ai choisi cette recette parce que mon grand-père faire cuire il autour de Noël temps. C’est un repas délicieux et j’ai beaucoup de bonne mémoires avec ma famille pendant que nous manger cette repas. Mon grand-père est un super cuisiner et il toujours laisser moi rester en dans la cuisine pendant il fait cuire. J’adore cette recette parce que j’associe il avec Noël et ma famille. J’éspere que je peux faire cuire cette repas moi-même un jour.




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May 19

Desmos portrait 2018

How did you figure out which equations to use?

I found that the function dance moves in the one note were very helpful as they showed me what the function would look like. I could then visualize what i wanted to make using these functions, after that it was just plugging numbers into the equations until I found the right set of numbers.

Did you face any challenges?

It could take awhile to find the right numbers to put in the equation. Sometimes I would put in numbers that I was sure would make the function the proper length or width but then they didn’t work. So this could be frustrating but i eventually got through this with patience and multiple tries.

Did you get help?

I didn’t get any help, I wanted to do this by myself as I felt this was a good way to practice my functions.

Did you use any strategies?

I started with the easier relations and functions, for example the circle i used as a head was a relation and i just had to put in numbers, i didn’t have to add a range or domain. I also worked on the body as it was just going to be linear relations which are pretty easy to use. Then once i finished all the easier stuff that i knew how to do i moved on to the more challenging functions.

What did this assignment help you understand about functions, relations, and their graphs?

I think this assignment was really helpful as it was a great way of showing me that each function will look different. It was just nice to have a visual representation of this, it was also cool to experiment on

Self Assesment:

Process: 4/4

Caricature: 3/4

Equations: 7/10

Creativity and complexity of equations: 8/10


February 15

DNA model

DNA is made up of sugar phosphate and the four bases, thymine, cytosine, adenine, and guanine. The bases are always connected in pairs with thymine connecting to adenine, and cytosine connecting with guanine. It is the sequence of these bases within the DNA that make us each different, DNA holds informations so that our cells know what to do and with this information they can make the proteins that are necessary for life. A large number of the human genes are similar between us as they are necessary for us to function properly, what makes us different from one another are the 1% of genes called alleles. These give us each our own unique, physical characteristics that can change things from eye colour to our hair. These can be inherited from our parents as well. DNA is the building blocks of life as it is what gives our cells a purpose, it contains the information that we need to survive.

November 1

“Tell Tale Heart” – alternate ending in new point of view

The point of view I chose is limited omniscient.

How he hated these early morning shifts, officer Gerald thought. But he knew it was his duty to check out the disturbance. Him and his fellow officers went to see what was happening at the old mans house. When he knocked on the door the young man greeted them and offered that they come in and have a drink. He led the unaware officers up the stairs to chat over tea. The men talked freely as did the host. But the host was quickly becoming paranoid for he heard the beating of the old mans heart or so he thought. The officers still talking happily never realized his anguish. Until finally the host snapped, he threw his chair and told the officers of his deed. Finally breaking from his guilt he admitted everything.


October 20

Canada’s role in International Conflicts

To be completely honest I don’t know that much about our role in historical conflicts. With that being said I know that we claimed victory in the fight for Vimy ridge in WW1. This gave us as Canadians a reputation as courageous and strong fighter willing to fight for what we believed in. This is the only major battle I know we were apart of while we were in both WW1 and WW2 I haven’t heard of any other major battles that we Canadians have fought in.

October 27

Science app review

The app i have chosen is the Khan Academy App.

This is a very helpful and educational app, it provides both written and video descriptions for different topics of science.These can help you in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, Cosmology and not only can it help you with science but it can help you with math as well. With this app you can choose what area of science you want to learn about and then once you have chosen it will branch off to the different areas of that topic. Such as with physics you can learn about Newton’s laws of force and motion, gravitation, energy, and quantum physics. I have found this to be a very useful and educational app as i can learn the basics of the topic from the written portion and then watch the video to learn more about that subject.

As this picture shows if i wanted to learn about physics and its many different topics that branch off of it i could click on physics and this page would show up and then i could learn about Newton’s laws of physics. This will help me as we are learning about electricity in physics and there are videos and written parts about electricity. I can also use this app to study for tests as i can watch a video on a certain subject to help me remember what ever it is that i need to know and in there videos they show you how to do what they are showing you. I will most certainly be using this app whether its to help study or to get help on a certain subject that i need help understanding.

Define, The problem i encounter the most is that when i am studying for a test I will forget how to draw a Bohr model or Lewis diagram or something. I know that this will be on the test but i cant seem to remember how to do it. So i wanted an app that could show me how to correctly do these things so that i will be ready for the test.

Dream, I wanted an app that has videos to show me how to do things , I wanted these videos to go step by step so that i can easily follow along and do it with the video. I wanted this app to be able to get me to understand the different concepts of Physics. Lastly i wanted this app to have pictures and diagrams to show me visually what i needed to learn.

Deliver, I have decided to show these pictures of the site to show how it works and why it is such a great app. I have gone through the different steps that the sheet has shown me and i have added pictures of the app to show this. I have also added the different D words that i was asked to add to this blog post.

Debrief, I believe i did a good job on this project as I went through the app learning about it and thinking about how i could use this in a real situation whether it’s studying for a test or doing homework. I also believe i did a good and accurate description of the app and its many features. While i believe i did good i think i could have spent more time looking through the app and finding out its true potential. I will think about this next time so that i can learn from my mistakes while still working hard to improve on what i think i did well.


