Literary Studies 11 – poetry project

The Cycle
The hero broke through difficulties and finally ascended to the palace of the dragon.
He didn’t hesitate to cut off the head of the dragon.
In the face of the land of gold and silver treasure,
The hero did not waver his faith.
He came back victorious to the cheers of the people.
The hero gave all the treasures to them.
People have finally lived a happy life.
The hero had also gained people’s respect and high status.
But to his surprise,
With the disappearance of war and oppression,
Everything began to deviate from his expectations.
People were getting used to living in peace. And gradually forget the hero.
Instead became greedy and selfish.
He finally couldn’t stand it all.
He was determined to break the situation by anyways.
People became timid and cowardly under violence.
But things were finally back on track.
Over time,
People grew from fearing him to detest him.
After many years,
A young person was eyes firmly and started his dragon-slaughter journey.


The cycle is an ironic poem. Its theme is about Macbeth. The poem uses symbolism and metaphor, the dragon symbolizes the oppressor, the hero symbolizes the liberals, and the people symbolize the oppressed. It’s discussed the relationship between oppressors and liberals. Rights and desires can make people lose themselves. In line: “In the face of the land of gold and silver treasure.” and “The hero gave all the treasures to them.” The “treasure” symbolizes desire, but it can be seen that the hero did not bow to wealth. The line at the end of the poem: “A young person was eyes firmly and started his dragon-slaughter journey.” indicates that the original hero who fights for freedom has also become the dragon who is the oppressor. Heroes fight for the people and freedom, while oppressors consolidate their social status and order. It can be said that the existence of oppressors affects people, and if they are removed, society will become chaotic. There are no such good guys and bad guys to the backbone. Through the ages, countless dynasties have passed through. It was all going to start a cycle again.