Week-3 Precal 11

  1. The absolute value of a number is the distance from zero, so both 6, or -6 are have the same absolute value, |6|=|-6|, and |x| >=0 whatever the number of Xis, positive or negative.

2. the square root and cube root,

\sqrt{x}, the result must x equal or bigger than 0, because there are no way that a factor times itself become a negative product, ex: -2latex \times{(-2)}$=4,  and 2\times{2}=4.

the cube root \sqrt[3]{x}, the x could be positive or negative, because the -2\times{(-2)} \times{(-2)}=-8

and 2\times{2} \times{2}=8.

3. the rational number and irrational number,

rational, include :whole number, fraction, natural, the decimal which can  turn to be fraction that repeating and terminating.

The decimal form of an irrational number is a non-repeating and non-terminating decimal number




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