First people Principles of Learning

First people Principles of Learning                                 Author: Jessy Gong

What is learning

Ancient China has a good exposition of learning. “The Analects of Confucius,” said: “Learning and learning.” Learning and learning are both linked, but also different concepts. Learning is to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities; learning is to review, practice, consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities. “Doctrine of the Mean” divides learning into five steps: learning, asking, thinking, distinguishing and acting.

The reason why I quoted the Chinese culture, because not anti-social, anti-human, advocating fairness and justice, truth, goodness, beauty of the country, for learning, education is the same attention.

Learning (Chinese words) editing

Learning refers to the process of acquiring knowledge or skills through reading, listening, thinking, researching, and practicing. Learning is divided into two broad and narrow sense:

A process of acquiring knowledge or skills by reading, listening, researching, observing, understanding, exploring, experimenting, practicing, etc., as a means of enabling individuals to achieve continuous change (knowledge and skills, methods and processes, And sublimation) behavior.

Broad sense: is a person in the life process, through the experience gained behavior or behavioral potential of the relatively lasting behavior.

“Modern learning is a term of psychology, it has a broad sense and narrow sense.Generalized learning refers to the human and animal life in the process of obtaining individual experience, animal and human life is a common phenomenon, such as the zoo Such as learning to play harmonica, sea lions and whales learn to head the ball, bears learn to pray and so on.We can get great scientific knowledge, learn life skills, small to learn to walk, write, swim, these are the result of learning. Learning, including learning, speaking, knowledge, skills, habits, interests, attitudes and moral qualities, etc. The narrow sense of learning refers to the students in the school learning.It is a purposeful, planned, organized learning activities , Is to grasp the experience of human accumulation for its task.Therefore, in the school education scene learning refers to students acquire knowledge, skills, ability, learn to learn, learn to think and form a certain ideological and emotional, moral character and personality change the process of.

Learning is conscious, conscious, but there are unconscious, unconscious. It is a conscious and unconscious coordination of the process. Real learning should focus on the improvement of the learners’ learning methods, the change of the way of thinking and the optimization of the knowledge structure and the formation of the clear knowledge schema. Only in this way can the effective learning be realized and become a strategic learner. ”

Learning involves patience and time.

Nobody can learn everything in the world by 1 day,2days,1year, 2 years or 5years.We should spend all the time ,It takes a lifetime to learn.

Why does learning take time? Human memory takes time, so what we learn is something we need to keep in mind. Need to learn too much, too much time to read, take time to class, ect. Life is endless, learning more than.

We did this project, the earthworm eating rubbish project, it took us 8 days to observe, then spent a week to write about its articles, statistical data, sum up the experiment.

We spent a lot of time to plan, to deploy, to practice, to sum up.

When we go to school, each class takes 1 hour and 45 minutes.

We should go to school five days a week. In these five days, there are six hours a day in school.

We are 3 to 6 years old in kindergarten, 6 to 12 years old in elementary school, 12 to 14 years old in middle school, 14 to 18 years old in high school, 18 to 22 years old in college.

This is a systematic study in schools.

In fact, in life, all the time we are learning.

Learning to be patient. As the saying goes: towering high-rise from the ground. To learn, to overcome the impatience, patiently. Whenever he quickly lost patience, ready to give up, to seriously think about why they learn, for whom the problem. Learning to not only save you strength, but also temper your mind, which “sensitive and studious, under the shame of asking”, so that their own learning, all music, learn something , To help themselves overcome the panic.

We this project, we need to have patience, we observe every day, every day. Almost daily and in contact with my partner via mail. Learning needs patience, we should invest enough patience to learn. No students like to go to school every day, I believe. Like most people, I like holidays, like weekends. Do not like to go to school, but it is something we have to do. Some knowledge is boring, this time, it should put enough patience, tell yourself to hold on.

It’s easy to stick to one thing a week, but sticking to one thing a year is hard. It needs patience.

Patience need to cultivate with perseverance, no one born with great patience. In the impatient time, want to give up, please tell yourself, then hold on.

Learning includes the roles and responsibilities of generations.

Life is continuation, when you were born, someone is dying. Human life is only a few decades. A human will die, but knowledge will not. The new life comes every moment. Everyone from baby to adults, from the identity of the students to the community.

Our mission is to inherit culture and knowledge, each of us from ignorant, through their own exploration, through teachers, parents and people around the teach and guide. Through constant learning, slowly will establish their own outlook on life, values, and various cognitive. We use a lifetime to learn, to explore, to discover, to progress. We from the students, will become someone else’s teacher. Everyone is a “student”, and everyone is a “teacher.” We learn through the system, learning knowledge, learning culture. Everyone must learn, it is a mission, but also a mission.

Bear the responsibility of each person should bear the commitment to the courage to take the fault: cautious commitment to resolutely fulfill their commitments; when we do wrong, admit errors; with reasonable and timely manner to correct their own fault;

Consciously assume responsibility, to take responsibility, willing to take responsibility, take the initiative to take responsibility: to do the responsibility of the owner, to enjoy the responsibility of happiness; learn to reflect on their own responsibilities.

my partner: nyssa,and i were together to complete a science project on earthworm experiments.

In this project, I was the guider for  nyssa, I have to continue to communicate with her, she said to me my ideas and plans to assign her some tasks to complete. I take the initiative to take my responsibility, from the deployment of this project, to practice, and then to the record, I made a large part.

I have to buy earthworms (because it is cold in winter, many stores are no earthworms to sell), I went to a lot of gardening store, but not at all. Later, after a friend’s help, I found a person in raising earthworms, and through consultation, the price of 40dollar sold me a pound of earthworms.

I, as a student, must complete this assignment, so I do this to get the job done better. In the process of cooperation with the partners, I took up my responsibility, I went to complete my responsibility. This is entirely in line with the learning involves the roles and the relationships with the .nyssa than I do in this project. But I did not feel imbalance, feel suffer. To pay a little more and no loss. At the same time to help weak some of the students, should pay more.I have done a student should do, paid my responsibility

The meaning of responsibility:

The understanding of responsibility can usually be divided into two meanings. One refers to the points should be done, such as responsibilities, responsibility, job responsibilities and so on. The second is not doing their own work, but should bear the adverse consequences or mandatory obligations. It also contains this out of human morality.

Responsibility is both to ensure the orderly protection of social rules, but also to ensure that individuals have a reliable basis for success, but also the basic elements necessary for dealing with the world. Responsibility is the expression and foundation of virtue, along with human life. A person without a sense of responsibility is not worthy of trust.

Each has a common responsibility, but also have their own should bear the responsibility, such as: As a secondary school students we mainly have to bear on time to school, school seriously, complete homework and respect the responsibility of parents.

In our society to do our role. Now we are teenagers, our role is students. After a few years, some people may become: teacher doctor tour guide lawyer engineer architect driver accountant nutritionist actor singer ect. Some people may have a lot of salary, some people are very few salaries. Everyone has different responsibilities for each person in different occupations. Everyone is destined to be different, is a different role. The role of nobody who is more noble or less cheap. This society needs everyone, so the existence of all people are valuable. We need teachers, doctors, lawyers, and we also need cleaning agents, security. Everyone in this world, in many roles, is the parents of children, teachers, students, is a lot of industry customers, is someone else’s teacher, is someone else’s parents. We are all unique and irreplaceable.