Totem Post Writing

Canadian History shaped the First people by their stereotypical totems. Whenever someone sees totem poles, they automatically think of First Nations. As well as, canoes, war paints, weapons, feathers, they all are a stereotype of First Nation people. First Nations today doesn’t have these stereotypes. A lot of people including me, back then, never really…

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This spot in the gym is where I felt intense fear. This was the exact same spot that I had a collision with another player and got a mild concussion. I was really confused at first then I opened my eyes and I see the ceiling, I quickly got up and made sure the other…

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How can one survive racial hardship?

How can one survive racial hardship? In the book Indian Horse, written by Richard Wagamese, Saul Indian Horse, at a young age was put in a residential school filled with racism, hatred against First Nations. Not only that but he was abused by the nun and the priest for not following the rules of the…

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