Foods 11 for me is really fun. What really made foods 11 fun for me is my group. I feel like my group is what makes this class so much fun and cooking and baking together is a really good experience. Also, learning the basics about cooking and baking is why I am in this class. I feel like I  have a good understanding of what to do before and after cooking. I learned that baking is much more different than cooking, I usually cook so I thought that baking would be a bit similar to cooking, but it’s not. In baking you need to know what you’re doing, you need to know the ingredients, how much you need in a cup, how long you leave the baked goods in the oven and so much more. In my opinion baking takes more skill than cooking, personally cooking by myself is easy but baking with someone is difficult. You both need to communicate and know your roles, both needs to know what they’re doing and if one group member doesn’t know what they’re doing, the whole group falls apart. I learned how  society, family, friends, media can affect what you eat and what you don’t eat. It’s only been one month since my first day and I already learned so much (flour, baking, food preparations, food terms) and I am looking forward to learn more about bread and other foods that we are going to study.

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