Socials 10 – September 27, 2013

The Diwali Music Festival is short for “Deepavali” , which means row of lamps in English. It is celebrate between October and early November at nights because that’s where lights shine the best. In Hindu culture it is said that at this time the festival is happening “Lord Rama” , a king, returned to his…

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Burton 3rd Weekly Blog Math 10

This week I learned how to deal with negative exponents. I sometimes forget that the negative disappears when it comes “downstairs” and I get confused. Especially when it’s a long question, it’s hard to keep track of every rule to answer the question.        Here I forget to remove the negative sign. Sometimes…

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Socials 10 – Perspectives

I picked Wayne Gretzky because every time someone mentions hockey, they’d have Wayne Gretzky in their mind. Just like how every time someone mentions basketball, they think about Michael Jordan. This makes me realize that the Canadians really love hockey to make this guy the representative. That also makes it an accurate resource for their…

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