Art Studio11 & 12 – Sketchbook Assignment #1

Art Studio 11 – SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENT #1 DRAWING WITH TEXTURE ASSIGNMENT #1 – PARTS A & B-     Due-  Monday, May 10 at 9am Drawing with Texture – 20 marks

#7 – Land Art Assignment

Land Art Lesson and Assignment Time allotted: 2 hours Due Date: April 19/20 Marks: 25 LAND ART:   A case for PLACE and NATURE in an artwork What exactly is Land

#6 – Design Your Own Character on a Model Sheet

Assignment: Design an Animation Character of your own design on a Model Sheet. Time alotted: 3 hours Marks:  25 Due date: Monday or Tuesday April 12 or 13th (bring it

#5 – The Model Sheet

Due Friday, April 9. 10 marks     2 hours I hope you got some blank drawing paper ready to use.  We are going to work on drawing and designing sculptures

#4 – Design and Make Three Pieces for a “Dinner Party”

Assignment #4 – Design and Make three pieces of table ware. Due Tuesday/Wednesday, April 6/7 25 marks per piece  x 3  = 75 marks for the three pieces You are

#3 – Introduction to Art History

THE DINNER PARTY :  An “EVENT OF HISTORICAL AND SCULPTURAL SIGNIFICANCE”   2 hours       Due Wed. March 17 25 marks You are to  select by puttting your name beside, a historically

#2 – Coil Project

Coil Vessel Project : Approximately 4 hours  DUE: MONDAY/TUESDAY (bring it on your in-school day), March 15. Now that you have practised making a variety of coil patterns you are

#1 – Coil Building Assignment

Beginning Coil Building – assignment: 10 Marks    Due Wednesday morning, March 10.  Approximate time allotted – 2 hours Materials needed:  Clay, slip, scratching tool (ie fork or butter knife)

#4 – Design a Collection

Homework Lesson #4 – DESIGN A COLLECTION This HOMEWORK is estimated to take you TWO weeks of home time (8 hours).   Each segment or part of this Project has its

#3 – Investigating Fashion

Homework Lesson #3 – Investigating Fast Fashion You are to complete 4 hours of home work this week, for the two days that you are to be at home.  The