Born a Saint Corrections

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Lord of the FliesĀ by William Golding is a book that takes place during World War II. It is about boys who are being sent away from war, they crash land on a deserted island, and all the adults have vanished; the kids are in charge of themselves.

Humans are born good and it is society that makes them evil. It is possible to act good even when other people have given into society’s wicked ways.

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While everyone is acting in evil ways, it is possible to be good; it is difficult but even if it is just one person, it is possible.

In Lord of the Flies this person is Simon; he still has his innocence and is good, even though everyone else is acting savagely.

He helps out the little boys who are unable to do as much as him “Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands” (Golding, 57).

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Even though we are born both “Moral and immoral… mostly, the moral dominates” (Zak).

I like that I tried really hard on it and was able to get an A. I want to not put in some sentences that wasn’t needed and I want to work on having a better hook.