
The discovery of DNA proves that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct because we can look at how completely different animals have similar genes but different switches. All we need to do is look at the different types of finches that Darwin was looking at on the Galapagos Islands. They are the same species of finches but look and function differently because of the islands they originate from. They had to adapt and evolve throughout the years to survive. So by now they probably have different genes or at least different switches that turns the specific genes on or off depending what the birds needed to survive. Same with the tortoise, there shells either different colours or shaped differently because of the island they are on. They needed to adapt and evolve to their environment to survive. Lastly, we know the Paddlefish is related to the prehistoric fish the Tiktaalik. We know this because their fins have the same bone structure as arms. The Hox genes in both fish command the next stage of development to make them have the same bone structure as forearms, which is how we know they’re related. All of this changes how scientists look at evolution now and in the future because now because they can see what switches or genes makes animals different.