For the first part of this lesson, we had to answer the following questions about Shuvinai’s artwork named “People, Animals, and the World Holding Hands”.


What point of view, or where is the viewer looking from, in this artwork?

The picture is in a bird’s eye view


List the animals you see?

In the picture, I see a fish which could be a salmon, a seal, a type of fox or dog and a bear


Describe a mythical animal in this artwork.

The mythical creature that caught my eye the most was the unique purple dog-like animal in the top right. It is a pale lavender purple with a darker purple and grey arm and a black sharp pole for the other arm. It has one red and one grey eye, a dog’s nose, a narwhal tusk, and a forked tongue. It has no back legs; its body seems to end in a shape resembling a shark’s tail and attached to the “tail” is a long red tongue-like leg. The part the most eye-catching, however, are the lake blue bug wings attached on its back.

List the people that you see.

I see a siren with a boot on one of her fins, a young man in a baseball cap, 2 kids in a huge jacket, a red-headed man with what seems to be his wife, and a woman with two colors in her hair split down the middle with her two children and her white-haired husband

What is this artwork saying, to you?

It’s showing me what peace might look like. What it might be like to have no conflict and no violence with others who seems to be potentially violent.


The picture below is my interpretation of the title.

I think my piece is ok. In my opinion, there are too many colours that clash. I tried to make them hold hands in a heart shape but it’s hard to tell. I started with the girl in the wheelchair, she was pretty simple and normal looking. Next, I drew “Earth” from the top of the globe, I really like the idea of giving the skin vitiligo because it looks like islands in a strange way. Next, I drew a tiny fly to represent all the little insects in the world. The birdman is strange and unique looking and I really like the concept, but one of the four arms is way too long. Then there was the baby being held up by the birdman and the dragon. I think the dragon looks out of place due to the angle. Finally, I had some fun with the purple creature. Instead of sketching it out like the others, I just started drawing with the micron pen.