Rising Park – Red Rising Theme Park

In English 11 we did a novel study/literature circle unit where we were given different options of books to read. Then based on which book we chose we were put into groups of 5-6 and began our literature circles. The final project after we had each done every role and read the entire novel was to create a theme park based off the novel. There were six different things that had to be done; someone had to create the theme park, the brochure, three rides, three shows, and three pieces of merchandise to sell in the park. My role for this project was to create three shows that illustrated key elements of the book. By doing this I really gained a better insight of the novel as I needed to gain a full understanding of the novel to create ideas based off of it. This was a helpful experience as I found hidden symbols and themes that I never realized due to the fact that I had to really analyze what happened in the novel to create my own ideas. In addition to this, I had to tap in to my creative thinking core competency, others were definitely used as well but I feel that this one was the most significant. First of all, a theme park was never in the book which meant I had to think creatively right from the beginning. I had to generate ideas based off what I read in the book, and then develop them into shows that related to the themes and symbols. I also had to think very creatively throughout in order to communicate my work in an understandable way for those who didn’t read the novel. All of this then lead to the creation of a PowerPoint where I had to put creative images to portray my work in the best way possible.



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