Rising Park – Red Rising Theme Park

In English 11 we did a novel study/literature circle unit where we were given different options of books to read. Then based on which book we chose we were put into groups of 5-6 and began our literature circles. The final project after we had each done every role and read the entire novel was […]

Mind Map – “A Private Experience”

https://www.canva.com/design/DAE4vaKHHBc/cnCJSAUH537PNaAZEe-CoA/watch?utm_content=DAE4vaKHHBc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel I have created a mind map choosing different images and symbols that bring a deeper meaning to my explanations of the short story “A Private Experience” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The whole idea of this story was to try and eliminate the single story and to show how misleading it can really be. This […]