Pre-Calc 11 Top 5 for 2017




From working your crappy minimum wage job, to counting down the hours to the weekend, we use math everyday. Now, it might be tempting to drop out of high-school and become a train-hopping hobo –math can doable. If you settle down once a day, pay attention and wipe away your tears, you’ll be fine. With that said, here are “Ned’s Declassified Math Guide”.



  • What is free time, really?


Look, I want to watch the latest episode of Big Brother just as much as the next guy; however, it’s not always that simple.  Brass tax is: do your homework. Don’t say ‘five more minutes’, do it now. Get up off of your pampered tuchas and do your homework. I’m not even joking when I say this either, doing your homework can improve your mark by a solid amount. Big Brother can wait, the deadline for the test ain’t movin’, Bub.



  • You’re going to sound stupid, but at least you wont fail.


As much as you hate speaking in front of your peers, you have to ask questions. No way around it, you might ask a dumb question, who cares? I’d rather sound stupid and do well on a test, than sound cool and take a phat L.



  • Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.


Listen, math isn’t communication 10, this is hard. Like really, stupid hard (at least for me it was). So pay attention. A Khan Academy video will never replace a well paced, well said explanation by the teacher in front of you.



  • Don’t make this the fun, sleepy time class.


Don’t sit next to your bro, don’t sit next to your bff. Sit next to someone who pays attention and might help you out later, ESL’s will be your homies about one week in to this course. You’ll even make new friends, so what’s stopping you?



  • This class is bearable, trust.


Probably better to keep this in mind. It’s not the end of the world, thousands of people have done this course and didn’t probably die. There’s usually time in class to do some homework –use it. Don’t look at the clock waiting ’till the bell rings, just tough it out and concentrate.  Remember: A watched kettle never boils. So just do your work and try your best. It’ll be June before you blink.


When To Use What Trig?


SOH CAH TOA:  These laws can be used when you have a right triangle, you have one angle, and one side (for the same triangle).

“Opposite, Adjacent and Hypotenuse” refer to the length of the side relative to θ (Theta). To use this formula you must have two of the variables in the equation.

Sin θ = Opposite/Hypotenuse:

Cosine θ = Adjacent/Hypotenuse

Tangent θ = Opposite/Adjacent

triangle showing Opposite, Adjacent and Hypotenuse


Sine Law: Sin A/a = Sin B/ b = Sin C/c: This law is used for looking for a side or an angle that is missing on a non-right triangle.

A, B, C are representative of the angles on a triangle. Any three letters in alphabetical order may be used to represent the angles.

a, b, c are representative of the side lengths of a triangle –the same rule applies to small letters that applied to capitals.

This law can be used to find the Ambiguous Case on a triangle (a triangle in which two side lengths are given and one angle opposite to a side is given). The Ambiguous Case is written as A-S-S most often, “S” means side and “A” means angle.

This law  may only be used when either two side lengths and one opposite angle is given, or when two angles and one opposite side is given.



Cosine Law: a^2= b^2 + c^2 – 2bc * Cos A : This law can be used to find a side or an angle missing on a non-right triangle.

The letter rules that applied to Sine Law apply here.

This rule may be used when two opposite sides and one angle in between is given, or when three of the variables in the equation are given. This law is often written as S-A-S.

The Cos A may be replaced by either Tangent A or Sine A.


trig cos rule example


Reflection on Math 10:

In Math 10 you learned how to use SOH CAH TOA to find the sides of a right triangle, this year it is an expansion on every thing. This year we gained the skills to solve non right triangle. d