Foods 10 – Lab Reflection

Foods 10 – Feb Lab Reflection 

1) I chose this lab because it was my favourite lab to make and I thought the cookies turned out really good and tasted great.

2) I enjoyed the lab a lot because the cookies were fun to make and my group works together well to get it done as well as having fun. I think i enjoyed most about it was decorating the cookies with the sprinkles.

3) The Valentine Cookies turned out as I thought they would but on the first batch we forgot to put the sprinkles on but other than that they turned out great, they weren’t burnt and all the ingreidents were mixed well.

4) My group works well together because we take turns doing the different steps in making the batter and we always get the job done correctly as well as having fun together. We work well together because we make sure everyone is doing something to help out, so like taking turns getting the ingredients.

5) If I were to do this lab again I think it would be fun to make icing (if we had the ingredients) to make the cookies look and taste better and also to remember to put the sprinkles on before putting them in the oven!

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