Category: Grade 9

Poetry Project

Creativity The painter stares out her window with ideas flying around like a tornado in her head. She reaches in and grasps on to one, and begins to work. She smears and splats smooth paint here and there, occupying her mind on the vacant canvas. She finishes and stands back to admire her creation, the wet paint drying into a…

Mutation Story – Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome

Part 1: Mutation Story I am the gene that caused Charlotte to have Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome. I’m the LMNA gene, and I’m supposed to be responsible for producing the protein lamin A (a protein which helps with the structural support of the nucleus), but unfortunately while I was being replicated, one of my cytosine’s was switched with thymine and I…

Cell-fie! Cheek Cell Lab

Today we looked at our own cheek cells under a microscope. Here’s mine! To do this, we rubbed a toothpick on our cheeks in the inside of our mouths, and the rubbed it onto a slide. Then we placed a drop of methyl blue on the slide to stain the cells so that we’d be able to see them. This…

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