Poetry Project


The painter
stares out her window with ideas flying around like a tornado in her head.
She reaches in and grasps on to one, and begins to work.
She smears and splats smooth paint here and there,
occupying her mind on the vacant canvas.
She finishes and stands back to admire her creation,
the wet paint drying into a masterpiece of her own imagination.

The painter is cloaked in colour.
Her colourful creativity hangs on display,
her mentality boxed in a frame for others to gaze at,
And get a glimpse
Of her world.
Because sometimes, we need these diverse creative minds
to get a different perspective on our lives.

Mini Composition – January

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The fox drags its wounded belly
Over the snow, the crimson seeds
Of blood burst with a mild explosion.
Soft as excrement, bold as roses.

Over the snow that feels no pity,
Whose white hands can give no healing,
The fox drags its wounded belly.

By R.S. Thomas

Animal hunting & cruelty is an unfortunate thing in our world. Every day animals suffer, who don’t deserve it, for our own use. Also, we sometimes don’t even think about the animals lives when we kill them. January, by R.S. Thomas, is a lyric poem that shows an insight into how tragic it is for these animals.
January shows an injured fox, who is dragging itself through the snow. It describes the blood with imagery and describes how nothing can help the fox, and it’s being left to suffer. It doesn’t say how the fox was injured, but it could be from fox hunting, which is a sport (that’s illegal in most places now) that involves foxes getting chased by hounds and commonly getting killed.
This poem, using imagery, draws an incredible picture of what is happening and lets us get a better understanding of the poem. One example of this is where it says “the crimson seeds of blood burst with a mild explosion.” The crimson seeds are a metaphor for little drops of blood, and when they drop it’s like a tiny explosion on the ground. “Blood burst” is also alliteration. Another example of imagery is where they are talking about the blood, and it says it’s “bold as roses.” The deep red blood on the white snow is an example of a simile, and also contrast.
The poem shows how the land can’t do anything to help the fox with the lines “Over the snow that feels no pity, whose white hands can give no healing…” This is an example of personification, and shows how the fox is helpless.
January lets you perfectly vision the pain this fox is going through, something so many animals have to experience. And even though there’s so much publicity about ending animal cruelty, it’s still very common. We need to think about it from the animal’s perspective, and realize how much it hurts them and the environment when we kill the animals.

By Gracyn K


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