Category: Biology 12

Cell Size Lab

Cube Size Total cube volume (cm3) Total volume that was not pink (cm3) Volume of the diffused cube (total – volume not pink) Percent diffusion Surface area of cube (cm2) Surface area to volume ratio 1 cm 1 cm3 0.25 cm3 0.75 cm3 75% 6 cm2 6:1 2 cm 8 cm3 4.4 cm3 3.7 cm3 46% 24 cm2 3:1 3…

DNA and Protein Synthesis – Structure & Replication

DNA Structure: Explain the structure of DNA – use the terms nucleotides, antiparallel strands, and complimentary base pairing. DNA is made up of sugars, phosphates, and nitrogen bases. It is a large, ladder-like polymer made from nucleotide monomers. It has two phosphate-sugar backbones with the nucleotide bases facing inwards from each. The bases attached to each strand form hydrogen bonds…

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