Category Archives: English 9

Monologue video-“Ty finds out he sold drugs to an undercover cop”

Monologue Script:

I shouldn’t have listened to Sonny. Why did I sell the drugs to Michael when I knew he was suspicious. I should’ve trusted my instinct and didn’t deliver the drugs to him. Man, I’m freaking out. Hopefully, Michael doesn’t snitch. We shouldn’t have done this deal in the first place. How did I even let this happen? Why wasn’t I paying more attention. What was distracting me? I am usually aware when I make deals with people. I can’t believe I let this even happen. I need to be more careful. I need to keep low from the cops and stay behind. I need to think of a plan to not get caught. What will my parents think of this? especially my dad. I can’t let him down. I don’t want to go to jail. I need to continue running this business for my dad. He’s counting on me. I can’t let him down. I need to make a living. I need to handle this carefully no distractions. I can’t spend my life in prison. Dad will be devastated in me if he sees me in the same building as him.

All we got to do is keep low from cops and stay focused. I should start going to school so nobody questions me. Especially my mom. If she finds out that I’m following the footsteps of my father and that I’m selling drugs and not working at the sports club She will whoop me to pieces.


I chose this character because he is the main character in the book so the book focuses on Ty most of the time. I chose this scene because I feel like Ty has a lot of thoughts going on in his mind so I feel like he will have lots to say. I try to make Ty as realistic as possible by changing the way I talk. I try to give my voice emotion and how he will sound like if he were to say his thoughts. In this scene I feel like Ty is really stressed out so I try to talk fast and maybe be repetitive with some words because that’s what you do when you are stressed sometimes. Some struggles with this project is placing the mouth perfectly. The first time I placed the mouth it was perfectly fine but then it didn’t save so I had to place it perfectly again but it wasn’t the same as before so that’s something I am upset about.