Archive of ‘Grade 10’ category

Accessibility Design Challenge

Accessibility Design Challenge –

Group: Scarlett, Catherine, Ella, Onikka, Riley, and Gabby.

Empathy and Define 

For this project, our goal was to make an everyday task more manageable for Molly. After meeting her and asking her questions we decided that an issue that impedes her daily life is the difficulties she faces with her cane. Her cane resides on the floor, thus causing an issue when she needs to find it. Our goal was to provide a solution that would allow her easy access to her cane.

Our official problem statement: How might we create a device to provide a solution involving the daily struggles and maneuverability that occur from the usage of a cane.


Initially, we came up with the idea of a clamp that could be squeezed to fit the table and the cane could be pushed into it. However, upon thought, we realized that it may be difficult to squeeze with Molly’s dexterity.

Secondly, we thought of a C clip that would allow her to simply push the device onto the table and push her cane into it. This was a better idea until we learned the specifics involving how her cane folds.

Finally, we needed an idea that would allow better support for her cane, which lead us to the idea of attaching a bag to our C clip device.

Prototype and Test

Our initial Prototype:

The prototype we created was simple. A 3D printed C clip with a taped-on metal piece that allows for it to connect to the surface or table where it was inserted.

Pros –

– The idea of the shape primarily worked. It fit on surfaces and would be able to support the weight of the cane.

– The general shape was almost perfect and could be replicated in a larger form.

– The metal piece will work as a solution to the clamping on the table.

Cons –

– The piece slides around the table.

– Because it’s a squared C shape the tension point all rests in a corner, causing breakage and eventually it will snap.

– The metal piece gets bent after repeated use because the device is too small overall to support to metal’s long-lasting capabilities.

Feedback –

– Molly will need to be able to transport it easily.

– Bag needs to be easily held open as searching for an opening is difficult.

– Device needs to have something that takes the tension off the corner to be more stable.

Final Project 


Overall we came up with solutions to our technical issues and feedback.

  1. To fix the sliding we added grips to certain parts of the device using hot glue. Our goal was to create a gripping system like you would see on the bottom of a sock.
  2. We changed the corner to be rounded with a ball instead of an L corner to create a tensionless section where pressure could snap it.
  3. We made the C longer, wider, and taller to allow the metal piece to have more room, which will decrease its bending and damage.
  4. We added a hook to the bag. That was when molly needs to transport the device she can pull the C off the table, place it in the bag, and use the hook on the bag to attach it to the backpack she wears every day,
  5. And, finally, to solve the dexterity issue, Ella crocheted the bag. This will help it be more supported and hold its shape, making it easy to find the large opening.


My role in this project:

My main role in this project was working with the manufacturing of the project. After the group created an idea, I helped to research pre-existing clips/clamps for an architectural base. After researching I got to work on creating the metal piece of the clip. To create the clip I first went to the tech-ed/art wing for metal materials, and upon getting the materials I measured the dimensions of the metal piece and cut out the shape we needed. I as well worked to sand down the metal piece for safe use, and shaped the piece so it would hold the clip to the table. As a continuation of this role I as well, trial and errored to fix any problems the prototype displayed. This includes making the new piece stronger by fixing the dimensions. With as well sanding and shaping the metal piece, for it to be ready to be attached to the 3D piece of the clip.

Aside from the metal piece role. I helped to create questions for Molly and the teachers who came in on the first day of this project. I helped to create questions that would better our groups understanding of Molly’s disabilities and what we could do to help her.

My responsibilities:

  • I was responsible for researching and finding an architectural construction that would work with our groups ideas
  • I was responsible for creating/manufacturing the metal piece for the clamp
  • I was responsible for fixing any errors and cons the metal piece displayed
  • I was responsible for creating questions to ask Molly and the assistant teachers/experts with her


I am mainly proud of how the final metal piece product turned out. I don’t usually work with metal and wood in the tech ed hall so this was a challenge that I’m proud I was able to do effectively and well.


I will improve my collaboration skills by organizing in person check in’s. In the future if I were to be a part of a collaborative project that is not strictly class time only. It would be effective to have regular meets where everyone can share their new ideas and their progress on their tasks.

What I learned:

I learned that through a design process, one is able to make tiny suggestions into a final working product. To create our clip, we used the design process, which had us research, draft ideas, draft sketches, create a prototype, and finally fix any flaws to make a final product. I learned that taking time to use a design process will help to bring all thoughts into one, and will help give a effective order and timeline to complete a project.

Working with Molly, I learned that there are many thing people don’t take into account when it comes to people with disabilities. I learned of all the different strategies she uses just to get around, which many people would overlook. Molly has to constantly use her sense of touch and hearing to get around. Putting myself into her shoes, when she was telling her story, it  gave me a glimpse of how busy her mind must be, and how overwhelming the loudness of the school hallways must be. I learned that the blind community relies can use more than one type of braille, and that she uses cues with both her hearing and touch. The biggest thing I learned was that the simplest acts of saying hello to Molly in the halls, has such a big impact on her.

What I liked:

My favourite part of this whole project would be when the class had a conversation with Molly and she got to tell her story. I learned so much about the blind community and learned the unique ways Molly has adapted. I liked how our whole class got the chance to put our efforts together to help Molly around the school using science. It gives a sense that science does not only need to be used in a laboratory but can be used to help others around us as well.

In the future:

From this project I will know in the future how important it is to be aware of the struggles a person might have due to their disabilities. Many people forget that people with disabilities are human beings too, it is important for us to recognize them and say hello rather than passing bye as if they weren’t there. In the future I will always remember to say hi to Molly whenever I see her in the halls, and same goes for any other RSS student with disabilities. I will remember that they value connections too.

Are there any other planets in the universe that have similar properties and natural cycles to Earth making it habitable to the human species, and how will that affect the future existence of humans?

Astronomers and Astrophysicists have been exploring the depths of space for years. Researching and constructing ways to discover more and more galaxies, planets, and stars every day. With the climate change crisis many have wondered if future human existence will be located elsewhere in the galaxy. Scientists continue to look for exoplanets with similar properties and natural cycles to earth, the only question is, are there even any habitable planets out there, and will it affect the future human generations?

Over the past few years there has been an increase of discovered planets orbiting around red dwarf starts in our galaxy. A NASA science team has found an Earth size exoplanet in its stars habitable zone, meaning it’s a rocky planet able to support liquid water on its surface. This exoplanet has been named Kepler-1649 as it was found by NASA’s Kepler telescope, only it’s located 300 light years away. Kepler-1649 has an impressive list of similarities to Earth. It is 1.06 times larger than Earth and receives 75% of starlight from its host star than Earth does to the sun. Scientists predict this could mean Kepler-1649 has similar global temperatures to Earth but too much is unknown to declare it habitable, including the exoplanets atmosphere. Kepler-1469 as well orbits a red star, a star known to have flare-ups making a planets environment struggle to support life but is as well the most popular type of star in the Milky Way. The possible habitability of Kepler-1469 is an example of many, there has been an increase of evidence of such like planets that orbit around other red dwarfs in our solar system. Including Proxima B, a new close to Earth size exoplanet orbiting earth closest star other than the sun. Proxima B is in the habitable zone allowing liquid to pool at the surface, and it’s only 4.3 light years away. Still too much is unknown of Kepler-1469 and Proxima B but it does give hope for future discoveries, astronomer Olivier Guyon quotes “The closest star to us has a possible rocky planet in the habitable zone. That’s a huge deal. It also boosts the already existing, mounting body of evidence that such planets are near”

To give a visual, this is an artists conception of the surface of Kepler-1469: Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter

The second photo is a direct visual comparison of Kepler-1469 to Earth: Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter

Take a look at this video, it goes into further depth of discovered possibly habitable exoplanets. It as well talks about some similarities an exoplanet must have to Earth to make it habitable, and the travel barriers humans have to these planets;

To understand what makes an exoplanet habitable, there must be an understanding of what a habitable zone is. The habitable zone of a star’s orbit is commonly known as the “Goldilocks Zone”. A range of distance from any solar systems star, where is a planet is located it will not be too hot or not too cold. It will be just the right temperature for the planet to sustain liquid water on its surface, and for there to therefore be life. Goldilocks can as well refer to the size of a planet. If a planet is too small, there is not enough gravity to hold an atmosphere, but if a planet it too big it holds too much of an atmosphere, if it’s just the right size, it’s gravity can hold a level of atmosphere that can support life. Types of stars contribute to the habitable factor of an exoplanet too. Our sun is a type G star and has a further goldilocks zone, meaning its goldilocks planet will only be susceptible to small amounts of radiation. Dwarf stars are type M, they have a goldilocks zone closer to them causing the concern of flare- ups and harmful emissions of radiation.

Visual of dwarf star size: Credit: MPIA/V. Joergens

Say in the future, our technology and telescopes find a positively habitable planet the human species can claim and expand on. There is still the barrier of distance, even the closest star to Earth is 4.3 light years away. Before exoplanets can be landed on, humans must figure out how to travel at light speed, but what even is light speed or a light year?

Light years are a unit of measurement for distance and not time. One light year is the distance light travel in one Earth year, which is 9 trillion km, and light travels at the speed of 300,000km. Light years can be broken down into light hours, minutes, or seconds. When looking at matter that is light years away you see it as it was in the past. As known, the closest star to Earth is 4.3 light years away, it takes 4.3 Earth years for that star’s light to reach Earth, meaning when astronomers look at it, they see it as it was 4.3 years ago. This happens when we look at all stars and planets in the galaxy. Our sun is about 93 million miles away, so it takes about 8.3 minutes for its light to reach Earth meaning we see the sun as it was 8.3 minutes ago. Scientists use the measurement of light years to observe how spaced looked in the past. The farthest object we can see is the cosmic microwave background, located 13.8 million light years away, it’s the best observation of space scientists have after the big bang.

So how can humans travel at light speed to get to these exoplanets? Achieving the speed of light has been claimed to be nearly impossible in the past. Even so, Scientists after much research and exploration, have found that particles in space are being launched at high speeds reaching 99.9% of the speed of light. Scientists have begun to study what makes these particles move fast to help improve future space missions and exploring the galaxy. They uncovered, there are three natural ways particles can gain this speed, electromagnetic fields, magnetic explosions, and wave-particle interactions. Electromagnetic fields can accelerate charged particles because the particles feel a force pushing them from the field. This natural force is comparable to the force of magnets with positive and negative charges and can launch these particles to incredible speeds. Scientists have done harnessed interactions of electromagnetic fields to create this speed in labs. Magnetic explosions are when two magnetic fields collide into one another and become tangled. The lines of the field then explosively snap back into place causing all charged particles near to be flung away at rapid speeds. Finally, wave-particle interactions happen when fields become compressed, charged particles start bouncing between fields and gain energy. Eventually these particles gain enough energy to reach a close speed of light.

In conclusion, it can be said that there are many possibilities for there to be a habitable planet in space. Of all the discovered exoplanets so far, many need to be further examined for habitability. There must be more data before any of these planets are declared habitable, including research on their atmospheres, host stars, and orbit. Future human generations do have a chance of being affected. With the beginning of experiments to achieve light speed, and the continuous advancements of technology and human health. There is certainly a path for humans to expand across the galaxy.


Biotechnology-Vaccines, Antibiotics, and Hormones

Have you ever wondered how much vaccines, antibiotics, and synthetic hormones have impacted and affected our world today? The creation of these three medical stepping stools have evolved in which society depends on every day. Vaccines and antibiotics are constantly protecting each and every community surrounding us, including minorities which aren’t able to gain medical technology. While the development of hormones have given a choice to be who they are and what they want to do with their life.


What are the greatest advancement with regards to vaccines, antibiotics, and hormones?

The first vaccine was made in 1796 by Edward Jenner to battle smallpox. Ever since scientist continued to develop, research, and update vaccines till the present day. Many scientists continued Edwards work of using a live attenuated virus to test and develop more vaccines. It was late in 1948 when a breakthrough was made, and scientists were able to develop combination vaccines. Vital to the safety of children, combination vaccines provided protection to several viruses at once, while at the same time allowing more children to get vaccinated in a shorter amount of time. Recently, an example of advancements in vaccine research was the creation a covid-19 vaccine. Done in the short time frame of a single year and distributing billions of doses within the next year. In the 20th century due to modern scientific advancement and technology advancement, scientists were able to distinguish the differences between viruses and bacteria. Antibiotics were first discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928, when he accidentally discovered the drug penicillin. This discovery led to the golden era of antibiotics in 1940-1962, a time when many of the antibiotics we have today were introduced. Similar to a virus, bacteria can evolve and mutate, many evolving to create enzymes like B-lactamase, which destroys antibiotic drugs and its properties. Furthermore, advancements were made to counterattack this problem. For example, in North Carolina, a biotechnology company was able to use a bacteria enzyme system called CRISPR against itself. They produced antibiotics loaded with DNA that matches the bacterial genome (genetic information). When it infects the bacteria, it inserts the DNA and “tricks” the system to cut and degrade its own DNA, killing itself. Rifamycins were as well developed, drugs which help to kill bacteria by stopping the microbes from making RNA, a molecule that is essential for the production of protein. Synthetic and bioidentical hormone development started with the idea of birth control for women. In the 1940’s scientist figured out the key role of hormones in the fertility/reproductive cycle involving estrogen and progesterone. Scientists were then able to isolate hormones and study it’s chemical structure, but gaining these hormones were very hard and expensive to do so. Thus, until Russell Marker in 1943 discovered to extract progesterone and estrogen from plants, today known as Marker Degradation the basis of synthetic hormonal production today. In the early 1950’s Frank Colton and Carl Djerassi, took Marker’s work to a second level to create oral dosages, norethindrone, and norethynodrel. Soon after many other hormones were discovered like the growth hormone in the late 1950’s.

(As a continuation of the Covid-19 example, the vaccine distribution first started in January 2021, where on the graph, Covid-19 cases were at its peak spike. Soon after the vaccine was introduced more cases dropped, as more people got vaccinated. Furthermore showing the importance of medical/vaccine advancements.)

 (How bacteria constantly develops resistance, reasoning why the development of antibiotics must continue)

How is this form of biotechnology best used?

Producing vaccines, antibiotics, and hormones have many different beneficial uses in our lives that we are unaware of, but in this paragraph we will discuss some of their best uses within our society today. Producing vaccines has become a stepping stool in society’s development and growth throughout the years after its first creation in 1796. The best use for producing vaccines is protecting people from catching dangerous diseases which could be highly infectious and risky for other minorities in society who are unable to get vaccines. Examples of minorities within society include those with health implications or allergies with the contents of the vaccine, unavailability in certain countries due to lack of materials, and insufficient money to pay for a vaccine where health care isn’t free or insufficient money to consult a doctor. The use of vaccines within communities has proven to dramatically lessen the number of infected cases, and on top of that, once the production of certain vaccines has been mastered they can easily be mass produced allowing more people to be vaccinated at once. They are also best used in building immunity and protection within people’s immune systems which then continues stopping its spread. A great example of vaccine’s best uses is the pandemic, almost endemic, that we currently live in. We are all familiar with the ongoing issue that continues to affect society today, however, has slowly gotten better over time. One of the many factors helping flatten covid’s curve is the development and production of different types of vaccines. The first trial data samples for Covid vaccines were released on July 12th for Moderna vaccines and August 12th for Pfizer vaccines, 8-9 months after Covid was discovered in Wuhan, China. Since then, the covid vaccines have significantly. On the other hand, antibiotics have similar uses as produced vaccines, however, are created and are used differently. Vaccines and antibiotics can both be injected into people, although antibiotics can be taken orally through capsules, tablets, or liquid too. That is because antibiotics almost work immediately after entering our immune systems, and are also best used for fighting off various infectious diseases within our immune systems when our own body strength can no longer be relied on. As various diseases, outbreaks, and seasonal sicknesses continue to spike day by day due to lack of proper hygiene, contamination, and more, bacteria will then easily spread among individuals. Antibiotics has played a big role in quickly and efficiently helping those with weaker immune systems, as well as creating and building immunity that helps protect surrounding communities, not just one’s self. While vaccines and antibiotics are slightly tied together, synthetic hormones are on a completely different spectrum, however, encompasses a wide range of benefits. Synthetic hormones can be used from supporting the developing LGBTQIA+ community, to being the foundation of how women can be supported with various biological needs. They have various benefits including unwanted or unexpected pregnancies such as regulating women’s periods, lowers risks of some types of cancers, helps with polycystic ovarian syndrome, clearing up acne and unwanted hair growth, and more. 

How is this form of biotechnology changing the world as we continue to advance towards the future?

Antibiotics, vaccines, and hormones have and still are changing the world as we advance toward the future. Antibiotics, vaccines, and hormones are all different types of medical treatments used to cure and stop diseases, infections, and certain disorders. Before antibiotics were invented, death and disease was ran rampant, life expectancy was significantly shorter, and bacterial infections were the main causes of death. The invention of antibiotics changed the medical field forever. After antibiotics were used medically, life expectancy rose substantially, and most bacterial infections and diseases were not as harmful or deadly as they previously were considered. Today, progress is still being made in the development of new variations of pre-existing antibiotics to fight bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics. Vaccines continue to change the world as they cure new diseases and viruses. The invention of vaccines have saved millions of lives around the world from dangerous diseases, some examples include Ebola and COVID-19. Within about a year, scientists were able to develop a vaccine to fight COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccine has successfully prevented over 1 million deaths. As new viruses develop naturally and starts infecting and killing people, new vaccines are developed to cure and help people in need. Finally, hormones have been used for many years to help people. Products like insulin and other growth hormones help people with certain biological needs. Other products like birth control help women with unwanted pregnancies. Hormones continue to help the world by providing people with help for certain biological issues. Antibiotics, vaccines and hormones continue to be developed and continue to help people by curing them of diseases, viruses, bacterial infections and other biological problems. They are an incredibly important part of medicine and continue to be effective today.

To conclude, advancements in the medical field have improved quality of life, and have saved the population from many harms and dangers. As they improve their functions and options they continue to support and save lives in every community. As future outbreaks spike like Covid-19, they can help stop the spread and save people from casualties today and in future outcomes.


“Combination Vaccines.” CDC, 1 Aug. 2019,,instead%20of%20five%20individual%20shots

Felman, Adam. “Antibiotics: Uses, Resistance, and Side Effects.” Medical News Today, 18 Jan. 2019,

“Four Stories of Antibacterial Breakthroughs.” Nature, 7 Mar. 2019,

Gilbert, Natasha. “How the Pill Works.” PBS, 2019,

“History of Antibiotic Development.” ReAct,

“Key Vaccine Innovations throughout History.” Atlantic Health, 24 Aug. 2021,

King, Heidi Tyline. “The Pros and Cons of Antibiotics.” Keck Medicine of USC, 3 Oct. 2019,

“The Development of Synthetic Hormones.” PBS,

“The Natural History of Antibiotics.” National Library of Medicine, 9 June 2010,

“Who Benefits from Vaccines?” Australian Academy of Science,

3D Data Visualization of Carbon Monoxide Emissions over the Past 29 Years

My partner (Katie) and I decided to make a visual piece relating to Canadian pollution, specifically carbon monoxide pollution. We wanted our audience to be able to connect to the data, which is why we chose to select Canadian data over world data. From my partner and I’s perspective, researching only Canadian data downsized the thought of ‘there’s nothing I can do about it because I can’t control the world’. We wanted our audience to clearly understand the data, which is why we chose to create a 3D graph containing colour coordination to represent a variety of information. Creating the 3D graphs allowed us to show 29 years worth of carbon monoxide emissions (in intervals of 5), breakdown what was causing/adding up to those emissions, and show the depletion of emissions over time. Carbon monoxide can be nicknamed ‘the silent killer’ as it is tasteless, odorless, colourless, and exposure at 150ppm-200ppm concentration of CO can result in death. This is why we decided to make the CO towers clear/see through and just colour the frame to show data. The reason we decided to show data for what is contributing to the problem, was to try and answer the question of ‘well how can I help’. Taking a look at our visualization, transportation emissions are the main contributor, this can tell the audience that to make a difference it can be as simple as walking or biking to their destinations more often. Below are photos of our journey/progress to reach our final piece.

PPM: parts per million or milligrams per litre

Our Journey:

Our Final Product:



Core Competency Reflection:


Science 10 Honours Paper Plane Experiment/CC Reflection

In this experiment my partner and I were testing what airplane size would go the greatest distance (in metres), a 8X11, 11X14, or a 11X17. To conduct our experiment we first created the airplanes, all with the same design fold, but each having a different size. We then went into an empty hallway, set up the measuring tape, and recorded 5 trials of flights for each paper plane. Measuring where it stopped moving and not where it hit the ground (they glide). From the concluding data I learned the bigger sized airplane went the furthest distance and not the smaller one. I originally thought the smallest plane would go the furthest because it has the lightest weight, I did not think the 11X17 (largest) would go an average of 0.49 metres further than the 8X11 (smallest) in fact I thought it go the least distance out of all the planes. This makes me think that the weight factor of a plane may not affect the flight distance if the wingspan is bigger as well. Next time, I would expand this experiment and bring in more sized paper airplanes to see if there is a consisting pattern according to size. Next time I could as well try to experiment my other questions; such as, if I threw the planes harder or softer, would doing so affect the distance?

Photos and Videos (click IMG_8169 to view video):


My CC reflection: