Science 10 Honours Paper Plane Experiment/CC Reflection

In this experiment my partner and I were testing what airplane size would go the greatest distance (in metres), a 8X11, 11X14, or a 11X17. To conduct our experiment we first created the airplanes, all with the same design fold, but each having a different size. We then went into an empty hallway, set up the measuring tape, and recorded 5 trials of flights for each paper plane. Measuring where it stopped moving and not where it hit the ground (they glide). From the concluding data I learned the bigger sized airplane went the furthest distance and not the smaller one. I originally thought the smallest plane would go the furthest because it has the lightest weight, I did not think the 11X17 (largest) would go an average of 0.49 metres further than the 8X11 (smallest) in fact I thought it go the least distance out of all the planes. This makes me think that the weight factor of a plane may not affect the flight distance if the wingspan is bigger as well. Next time, I would expand this experiment and bring in more sized paper airplanes to see if there is a consisting pattern according to size. Next time I could as well try to experiment my other questions; such as, if I threw the planes harder or softer, would doing so affect the distance?

Photos and Videos (click IMG_8169 to view video):


My CC reflection:

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