week 7 math post

Triangle 1

in this triangle I have the A angle, and side AB, which is 42.2. We are trying to find the variable b on the AC side. After labeling I was trying to find the adjacent side. To do this I had to use COS. I had to go cos25 x 42.2 because the variable is on the top. the answer I got was 38.2.

Triangle 3

in this triangle it was cos again and my formula was 50.2 over cos30. I had to reciprocate the variable and create a division question. my answer was 57.96

Triangle 2

this triangle was cos once again, and in order to complete this I had to do cosX = 5 over 6. in order to isolate the variable I had to move X to make cos-1 (5/6). this gave 33.55

1 Comment on week 7 math post

  1. Ms.Burton
    April 11, 2016 at 9:39 pm (8 years ago)

    Have more focused photos would add to the post. Maybe retake (with lots of light) and repost. I find that if you hold the camera parallel to the paper you have the best chance of getting a good photo. Please update and repost.


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