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Wonder Project Blog Post 1

Renewable Energy –

My Wonder Question:

“How will our lives and the Earth be affected if Port Coquitlam uses only renewable energy sources?”

Why is it Meaningful:

  • To Me:
  • This question sparks my learning because electricity (pun intended) and how is travels really intrigues me. Also, I truly care about the environment and being around nature. I enjoy working and helping the environment. I would like for our society to look at the damage we have done to the earth. It is important to me that the generations after me will live a healthy and beneficial life.


  • To Others:
  • This question could be significant to others because it is important to know that non-renewable energy is coming to a low. Not only is it coming to a low, but it is also causing pollution and health issues. Renewable energy will benefit the public’s health and the future of Port Coquitlam.


  1. Will it be cost efficient?
  2. How long will it take to fully convert?
  3. How can we, as citizens help?
  4. Where will they be built/who would be affected?
  5. What type of energy source would be most beneficial?
  6. What is being done right now that is helping this plan come through?


Source ONE:

Title:  6 Benefits of Renewable Energy We Need to Consider

Author: The Alternative Daily Writers

Date of Publication: Feb 1st2019

Source of Info: Alternative Daily

Summary/How will this help answer my question:

This site explains some benefits of renewable energy. Some are; Create job opportunities, saves money over time, reduces greenhouse gasses, can improve public health, and can provide individual energy independence. This will help answer my big question because these benefits would help show society that renewable energy is not only going to help the environment but society and parts of agriculture. It could possibly cause a ripple effect showing other cities that this beneficial.

Source TWO:

Title: GM Commits to 100 Percent Renewable Energy by 2050; GM pledges to source global electricity from wind, sun and landfill gas, joins RE100.

Author: ENP Newswire

Date of Publication: September 15, 2016

Source of Info: Gale Science in Context

Summary/How will this help answer my question:

This site explains how a company in Detroit is working to 100% renewable electricity within there facilities. They go in detail about how this is making a change in their environment and how much money is saved over time. This is being leaders and showing others that this change can be very beneficial. This website will help answer a sub-question; ‘What is being done right now that is helping this plan come through?’ Many Companies are converting to renewable energy as it can be a way to make a profit, as well as help the environment.

Source THREE:

Title: Earth and Humans Impacts: Overview – Science in Context or UXL Ignition Science: Collaborative Projects.

Author:  UXL Ignition Science: Collaborative Projects – Edited by Thomas Riggs

Date of Publication: 2018

Source of Info: Gale Science in Context

Summary/How will this help answer my question:

This site explains how humans need the earth and its materials to be successful at living. We use many parts of the earth every day without knowing. Renewable energy is an important step in helping the world. We have taken so much from it, we might as well attempt to save it. This website will help answer two of my sub-questions: ‘How can we, as citizens help?” and partially ‘What is being done right now that is helping this plan come through?” This source explains a lot about how humans and our use of electricity affects the environment.

What research needs to be done?

  • From this point on, I need to determine how will our lives be affected if Port Coquitlam converted t renewable energy. Most of this can be answered through logic and through. I also need to figure out an approximate cost for the change. Renewable energy in Poco will not be an immediate change, it is a gradual change. It will take several years before 100% green energy.

Is there a community expert that can be helpful?

  • I could reach out to an environmental specialist, electricians, other citizens who have knowledge in climate change and get their opinions and take on this change.

Can a scientific investigation/experiment determine your answer?

  • I don’t believe we could conduct a scientific experiment to help answer this question; However, we can promote, as well as help reduce greenhouse gasses and our use of electricity.

ADL 10/COL Questions:

  • What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic?

– I focused a lot on questions surrounding humans and the effect of renewable energy. I chose 6 questions that would help drive my learning; Will it be cost efficient? How long will it take to fully convert? How can we, as citizens help? Where will they be built/who would be affected? What type of energy source would be most beneficial? What is being done right now that is helping this plan come through?


  • What new or familiar tools did try to use as you worked through this project?

– This semester I learned that there are plenty of tools, online and physical, that I can use to research this topic. I used The Science in Context sites, the Riverside digital library and search site, as well as some physical environmental books at home.

  • What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

– Finding a reliable source can be a hard thing to do; However, I was taught a few steps to figure out what is or what isn’t a reliable source. You always want to look for these hints as they are helpful.  Something’s I would look for in a site, date of publication, Author/Publisher, Grammar and spelling, citations, and a professional look. I believe all of these factors are important but searching for an author/publisher and searching for citations are very important. You always want to make sure the author is specialized in the topic or knows a lot about it. The citations are very important because you would like to know where this author go their information from. If no citations have been listed, chances are some facts might be biased or opinionated.

  • How did you verify and cite the information you found?

– Information on the internet can be mixed up all the time. I made sure to verify my sites by making sure each website had links to their sources and they are legit. I cited my information in a research document given by Mrs. Jackson. I made sure to take raw notes and summarize accordingly.

  • How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

– This project was both simple and tough. It was easy because I immediately knew what I was interested in. It was tough because there was a lot of research that needed to be done. I feel I could have maybe chosen a stronger question. I believe that this question could have had a deeper connection with others.

Research Notes:

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Core Competencies:


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