The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: Irony

Dramatic Irony

The kid thought that the concentration camp and the Jews on them were people in pajamas on a farm working, he did not know what his father and the nazis were doing. He become friends with a Jew without really knowing he was a Jew, not even his family knew he was friends with him; but when he discover that he was Jew and people start to tell him that they were bad, he still didn’t know why he has to hate them. In all the story the Germans think they are going to win pretty soon and are even doing plans for after they win the war, but we know that in reality the Germans lose the war. I think the biggest dramatic irony is that we know that the kid and the Jew were not going to take a shower, we knew that the kid was in a concentration camp whose only propose is to kill Jews, we know they were gonna get killed by gas, but they did not.

Situational Irony

I think we did not expect the Germans to not really know what they were doing to the Jews on the concentration camp, we take for granted that all of them wanted to do that to the Jews. The fact that the mother of an important general of the nazis army was against nazis was kind of ironic, one doesn’t expect that difference in opinion from the mother of a general. Even the fact that the wife starts to hate her husband after she knew what he was doing was not expected, one expects that the wife will back him up on everything he does and that she would have already know. One of the biggest acts we do not expect must be the relationship of the kid with the Jew kid, because is expected for all nazis families to hate Jews and to not form any kind of good relationship with them. Bringing the fact that the kid is son of a nazi general and not a Jew one would never have thought that he would get inside a concentration camp and that he he would die like a Jew, on a horrible way nazis only use because they thought as Jews as less then a human. The fact that the general of the nazis in charge of the concentration camp and the gas chamber gets his child killed by his one hand (or work, at the end he is in charge of them) is a really big irony.