EN11 – Mind Map – “A Private Experience”

My 500-Worder for the Mind Map Project:

In A Private Experience, author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explores the idea of being kind to others, regardless of their differences, and to not fall victim to the danger of a single story, a recurring theme in her literature and media in general. And, in the story, she uses Chika to convey someone learning about the idea of the danger of a single story, about Chika knowing about events like the riots and the chaos that ensues through the media, but then having to live those experiences first-hand, just like others must do often.

Chika starts off the story without any experience with the danger of a single story, very privileged and unknowing to the hardships of others, and makes unruly assumptions about the woman with whom she shares the abandoned store. Then, over the course of the story, Chika grows, learning about the Hausa woman’s hardships and getting over her lack of knowledge about less fortunate people, through the conversation and actions between her and the Hausa woman. Because of the situation that both Chika and the Hausa woman find themselves in, Chika decides to help the other woman after she, very spontaneously, tells Chika about a problematic medical problem. When Chika helps the woman, she shows compassion, and her newfound understanding of the similarities of the Hausa woman and herself.

Chika also learns by getting to see beyond everything the media says, something that very likely influenced her given how she was raised in upper-middle class in Lagos, Nigeria. So, since she was raised in the upper-middle class, she wouldn’t know of the hardships, sacrifices and burdens that poorer and less fortunate people have, but still she shows how she learned about all those, thanks to her reaction to reading the article from The Guardian, showing that she realizes that not all the ‘Hausa-speaking Muslim people from the North’ are bad people who have a tendency of violence against non-Muslims (‘and in the middle of her grief, she will stop to remember that she examined the nipples and experienced the gentleness of a woman who is Hausa and Muslim.’).

The Mind Map represents my understanding of the story thanks to the amount of inference that was put into learning very deeply about all the aspects of the story. Because of all the work that was put into learning about every nook and nuance about the story, to have to lay it out concisely, and to have it all connect to a theme and come together, the Mind Map shows how I understand the story and its ideas very well, and how I can put it nicely there. Specifically, the theme, characterization, and the autobiographical literary criticism, all line up very cleanly around the same idea, which was the danger of a single story, which Adichie likes to reference in her work.


Desmos Art Functions Card 2020

Desmos Functions Card Project:

The picture I graphed:







The picture I replicated:


Core Competency Reflection about my learnings from the project:


Core Competency Reflection about the project:

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Little Reflection about the project:

This project didn’t do much in teaching me anything related to math. The only things I learned (in terms of math, that is) are how to graph an absolute value equation and how to graph linear lines when all you have are 2 points, but really efficiently (I had to do it once-a-many times).

There weren’t any strategies per se, but the aforementioned strategy about how to graph linear functions with 2 points really fast is quite simple:

Step 1: Figure out the 2 points on the graph. 

Basically, figure out where you want to put the 2 points on the graph. To make life really easy, I made each point drag-able, where all I had to do was drag it with my finger to where I wanted the point. Sometimes, when I had a point exactly where I wanted it on one of the axes, I changed the way it was drag-able to “Up-Down” or “Left-Right,” depending on the situation.

Step 2: Use another Desmos tab.

The next step is about using Desmos to the fullest. This requires another tab at “desmos.com,” but instead of being at the project, it had the scientific calculator open. The next part of this step involves some pre-set-up things written down (each time I hit enter, it means another line using the calculator):







x1 and y1 are where you put the coordinates of the first point, and x2 and  y2  are the coordinates of the second point. The output in the bottom 2 lines are the “Rise” and “Run” of the slope. Take the 2nd-from-bottom line and put it in a fraction above the bottom line, and you get the slope. Put the slope into a point-slope intercept equation and that’s it.



The self-reflection is done.

TYKTW2019 – Asco Aircraft Industries

Ted Trznadel, Family friend.

1. CNC Machinist.

2. Setting up machines.

3. Setting up parts made by the machine/operating the machine.


a) Yes.

b) education CNC Machinist Diplomat.

c) Used to work at Stevested.

d) Cool with teamwork, concentrates well.

5. Maning new parts and making quality aircraft.

6. Working different shifts.

7. The job includes more computerized equipment and better artificial intelligence.


  1. Its probably very enjoyable and cool working in the aircraft industry. It pays very well compared to the average job. Getting to work really cool machines.
  2. The shift system would be annoying and hard to get used to.
  3. Because I find the aircraft industry very interesting and cool. Working the machines is also fun.
  4. It helps create interest in jobs for future adults.


Could not post or even take photo for military purposes.