The Meaning of Life

David Andrews
Meaning of Life


Alan Watts creates his thought on life through his poem, explaining that the meaning of life is simply to be alive and that one should be happy to have it in the first place. He explains this in according to, “Answer. That you are here- that life exists and identity” (Walt Whitman, O me O life, line 4). Throughout the poem he explains how others waste their lives due to constant worry and work, now they lose sight of the purpose and making their lives feel pointless. Such an example would be in the line, “Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of struggles ever renew’d.” (Walt Whitman, O me O life, line 8-9).

He creates a meaning towards how life needs to be simple and how everyone feels like a slave to work and industry when in reality, they just to accept the fact that they are alive and that is what makes it worthwhile.