Week 11 – Math10

This week and math 10 we learned about function notation. I learned how to solve it when there are different outputs and inputs in the equation. In my math post I am going to show 2 different examples to showcase my understanding of this topic. I will start by explain the parts of the equation.

Now you know the parts let’s start with an example using the equation above.

Example #1-

Step 1: Replace the x with the input number (11).

Step 2: Multiply the 2 by 11 and then add the output together with the 3.

Now that your understand how the concept works let’s do more difficult example.

Example #2:

Step #1- Replace x with the input (3x).

Step # 2- Distribute the 2 to the 3 and the x. Multiply the 2 with the 3x.

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