Element Sway

Part 1 Sway:

Part 2 Questions:

  1. What questions did you need to research in order to create your sway?

I needed use descriptive questions to be able to receive the correct information. I needed to be accurate with what 9 am searching up because then that puts in in charge of what comes up once I press search.

2.  What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I used Sway it put all my information in. I also used flicker to get pictures in my project.

3. What was the process you used  to investigate the topic?

I chose a element I was interested in then began to research the information. After I collected all the information I put it all in a word document and started with the sway. Once I figured out how Sway works I began to move all the stuff I researched into its correct spots a the same time getting pictures and of course the links.

4. How did you verify and cite the information you found?

Each time I found a website I made sure to look at more than one website to make sure then information I am getting is true. I also looked at the way the website was set up just looking to see if it looks unprofessional. I included all the links in the end of my sway.

5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

The most challenging thing was making sure all my information is correct and taking the time to look at more than one source.  Something I could have done better is adding a bit more information on some of the slide.


HCE 9- English Write

This image shows inclusivity because in the picture it looks like these indigenous people are getting stripped from their culture. When I looked at this picture I saw lots of people being taken away to residential schools and the longer they stayed the more they forgot everything they once loved. Colour in this picture is a huge thing and it stands for their religion, personality, happiness, and culture. On the right you can see them full of colour, happy, in their cultural outfits. It slowly fades as they lose their identities and culture, they lose their colour and happiness. Their facial expression change in gloomy and sad as it goes towards the right leaving behind their cheerful selves. When there is two ways to look at this picture. The first way is the one I explained which is looking at it from right to left. The other option is analyzing it from left to right. If you look at it from left to right then the picture says something different.  They start off seeming dull and then gradually begin to regain their culture, colour, and personalities back.Towards the right side they are standing tall, proud about their culture and on the left they are slouched, lost. When I look at this picture I feel sad and a bit mad about thinking what these indigenous had to go through and how they were forced to leave all the things and people they loved behind. All that just because they were different and weren’t the same, some people who forced them to go to these residential schools. In those schools they forget everything including their language, religion, and their ways. Even speaking a word in their language can get them hurt really badlyThis picture reflects inclusivity for all the reasons I have listed and I hope that soon there will be no more excluding just for being different and being yourself.

Monologue Video – “Flipper can’t swim”

Here is the text version of my monologue:

Why do people keep asking me to go swimming with them? Like I can’t swim, and you can’t wear a jacket in the pool. Also, its my hand, its missing 2 fingers and it looks scary to others. I can’t go showing my claw in public or “Flipper” will be revived. (That was a nick name given to me from some Nasty rats cause of my hand).

I am a pretty chill dude but when it comes to my hand I am ready to pick a fight. As you can tell I am not really confident to show it so I just keep it in my pocket. I guess the main reason why don’t know how to swim is because of my hand. Trust me its supper hard not to go swimming in this heat. But I would rather melt than for people to see my left hand. I mean if it had a really cool back story I might be more confident so I made up a few but it still didn’t help. I born with this hand and I cant change it. The only person I feel comfortable showing it to is Duncan, not everyone at the swimming pool.

I guess that’s pretty much it. Just like I said I will gladly beat up whoever brings up my hand. I don’t really prefer to show it though. That’s why I can’t go swimming cause of my claw. It’s ok though cause its not like it really matters. I just hope Duncan doesn’t ask me to go swimming again cause he knows the answer and it anit gonna change unless my hand magically heals which I probably not gonna happen if we are being honest here.



I chose to do my monologue on Vinny because i think he doesn’t get to really explain how he felt in that scene which is also the reason i chose that part of the book. I wanted to show case his point of view about how he thinks people perceive him and how he thinks of himself. A tactic i used to bring Vinny to life from the book to the app was using information i had gathered about him in the book. I reflected his looks by what his personality is like. I think something i could have done better was getting the sound better because it was not very clear. There was a bit of background noise therefore making it difficult to understand what i am trying to say.