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Math 10 Week 8

This week we started our fifth unit on polynomials, and we have learned all about the terms and how to handle them, here is some that will be crucial to know:

Type of Polynomials :                                                                                                                                               1 term, Monomial | 2 terms, Binomial | 3 terms, Trinomial | 4 or more terms, Polynomial.        Remember that terms are separated by + – x and division.

Degree: In polynomials, the degree is the highest exponent value over a variable, in binomials, trinomials and polynomials, it is the highest one of all the terms.

Coefficient, The number in front of a variable, the first coefficient is dubbed the Leading Coefficient.

Constant: The number that is not next to a variable and is by itself.

These terms will help you learn polynomials and where to list everything much faster.


Modeling is creating a visual to better help look at the value of your polynomial.

In modeling, we use 4 types of blocks, a small square for a single unit (usually the constant) a long rectangle for a single variable (12x = 12 rectangles), a large square for one variable squared (2x^2 is 2 large squares), and two variables beside each other is a semi-wide tall rectangle (3xy is 3 medium rectangles). After you’ve drawn these models, coloring them in will show negatives from positives allowing you to break them into like terms based on their ending, and using zero pairs to eliminate +1’s and -1’s to make it simpler.

Now that you know your terms, breaking down polynomials and listing should be much easier from now on, thank you for reading.