Category Archives: Grade 10

All About Me Project and Self-Assessment



Desmos Art Functions Card 2020

In this project I had a fairly difficult time finding where I could fit in some of the equations that don’t typically appear as a shape on face. cubic equations were weird to fit into the project and ended up going back to my eyebrow and fitting one in there, but besides that, I couldn’t really find any other spaces for that equation specifically, but also others to an extent like the square root function. I would generally look for spots for equations I hadn’t used much or at all yet and prioritize those in the card. My main challenge was finding the areas where I could place those functions, as well as a bit of procrastination (as always…) and the colors. The video on how to change colors initially did not help me at all and I wanted more than just the six primary options that are given on the site.  After a while, we got a new and much simpler way to change the colors for our picture ad that allowed me to use my shading to make the replication look more accurate instead of having orange skin and having the picture look a bit more off. It took me while to remember how to turn an ellipse into function notation as well so that was an issue for a bit as well, remembering felt good though! This project didn’t help me with only that, but it gave me a better idea of how functions in general work and how useful they can be. I didn’t fully know how to invert some of the new functions we learned about like square root functions and I was able to play around and figure out things for myself. I did use a little strategy to help me get through the equations slightly quicker when I remember is to not state the domain until the lines adjacent to it are also in place so I can just state the domain based on the intersection point instead of guess and check basically. Maybe that doesn’t sound like much, but it helped and is an improvement over last year when we did a similar assignment. I think I probably got better at estimating the angles I would need to create shapes, which helped me move quicker when I was working. There are a bunch of things I probably could have done better on this project, working on the proportions and accurately representing my facial features is one of those things, but I also feel like I should be able to ask for help when I need to, I don’t think I communicate enough when I’m unsure about something and that is something I think I should fix. 


I rotated this in desmos so that’s why I’m faced up instead of lying on my side


Space Wonder Project

Right Now, as far as scientists know, there are three potential ends to the universe, and the way it will end depends on the density of the universe itself. Depending on the density, there are three main theories on what will happen to the universe in the future. There is something called the critical density which will end up determining what will happen. If the universes density is less than the critical density, the universe is expected to end in a heat death. If this were the case, the big rip could also take place which is similar the heat death. If the universe density is more, something called the big crunch. The reason the universe may keep expanding even though there is gravity pulling everything inwards is because of dark energy, pushing everything farther and farther away from each other.

Heat death – For this theory to be true the universe has to keep expanding, and in this scenario the universe is finite without an infinite amount of energy. If these are both true all the energy in the universe keep spreading out until energy is so spread out the temperature in the universe approaches absolute zero, and nothing would happen after that point. Moreover, one type of energy is thermal energy, so if all the universes energy is spread out too far to create any heat, and all other energies are not abundant enough for anything to happen, the universe will basically freeze in time. In the next 1-100 trillion years, new stars will stop forming, since the gases needed to form a star will be used up. At this point in the heat death, most thing as we know them today will be gone, most of what is remaining being black holes and neutron stars. However, even these would eventually begin to cool and disappear, this will happen to black holes because of something called hawking radiation which they are predicted to release. Based on estimates, the complete stoppage of the universe would likely happen when the universe is 10100 years old, when nothing will be left and never will be again.

The fate of the universe—heat death, Big Rip or cosmic consciousness?

Big Crunch – If the Universe were to end this way, that would mean eventually gravity would slow the expansion of the universe and eventually the universe would start to shrink. In this scenario, eventually star and galaxies would begin to hit one another, soon wiping out all potential life on this planet or others. The universe would become immensely hot as everything ever created gets brought back down into a single point. All the matter in the Universe being in a single point, sound familiar? If this were to happen, it could be completely possible that another big bang could happen, effectively resetting the universe back to its earliest stages. Even black holes would be squished into this single point and would basically be a recreation of what was before the big bang.

Big Rip – If this were to happen, the Universe would continue to expand just like the heat death, however this ending will happen with much more energy. Expansion would continue indefinitely until planets and stars are no longer able to hold themselves together, let alone other plants or solar systems close. The speed of the universe expansion would become so incredible it would overpower gravity and electromagnetic forces. Even individual atoms could potentially start to be torn apart, but first would come galaxies being stretch away from each other. After this solar systems would separate then planets would be ripped to pieces, and atoms at the very end. This would also depend on if dark energy gets stronger over time. If it did, in about 35-50 billion years, this event could happen and its not a long shot either.

Any of these events are a possibility in the future, and we have no way of concluding which of these three possibilities will end up happening, if any of them even do. There is also the possibility that the universe doesn’t end, it will keep expanding infinitely, but the universe is also infinite, so we are less likely to run out of energy that the heat death, especially if expansion starts to slow, but never stops, which is what would happen if the critical density is equal to the universe’s. There are still many things we don’t understand about the universe, and we will not have to worry about this ever, but its interesting for me to get an understanding of what may happen in our future.

In The Woods

There are many different types of plants and animals right out in our backyard, some of the animals can be large like bears. However, many of the animals around us are very small just like the Red Slug (Arion Rufus) that can be found right out behind Riverside.

The Red Slug can be found in many different colours, contrary to its name. These colours can be quite vivid and include red, orange, yellow, black, grey, and brown like seen here. This color is being used to blend in with the leaves around it as camouflage against predators. The slugs with brighter color may use their bright coloration to trick other animals into thinking they are poisonous, as many animals use bright colors to show this, these slugs use this as a red herring to make predators think they are poisonous.

Some plants and animals can also come from another continent by being shipped from one place to another, that is the case for the Impatiens glandulifera or Himalayan Balsam.

This plant was originally confined to the Himalayas and the tropics of Asia, however being introduced to Canada as a pretty looking flower and by accident on other ship going back and forth between the continents. This plant may be flourish in Canada because of how well its seeds get moved a lot in waterways. Himalayan Balsams can outcompete the rest of the plants in many areas leaving more space for then but less for the native plants and less diversity in the ecosystem. At the same time, when these plants die in the winter, there is usually no other plant there and can cause more erosion. A couple ways we could stop this plant from spreading are by pulling the plants out by hand and replacing that empty space with other plants. Another way could be talking about is on social media or other places to raise awareness about this plant and prompt people to volunteer and help eliminate the species.