Desmos Art Functions Card 2020

In this project I had a fairly difficult time finding where I could fit in some of the equations that don’t typically appear as a shape on face. cubic equations were weird to fit into the project and ended up going back to my eyebrow and fitting one in there, but besides that, I couldn’t really find any other spaces for that equation specifically, but also others to an extent like the square root function. I would generally look for spots for equations I hadn’t used much or at all yet and prioritize those in the card. My main challenge was finding the areas where I could place those functions, as well as a bit of procrastination (as always…) and the colors. The video on how to change colors initially did not help me at all and I wanted more than just the six primary options that are given on the site.  After a while, we got a new and much simpler way to change the colors for our picture ad that allowed me to use my shading to make the replication look more accurate instead of having orange skin and having the picture look a bit more off. It took me while to remember how to turn an ellipse into function notation as well so that was an issue for a bit as well, remembering felt good though! This project didn’t help me with only that, but it gave me a better idea of how functions in general work and how useful they can be. I didn’t fully know how to invert some of the new functions we learned about like square root functions and I was able to play around and figure out things for myself. I did use a little strategy to help me get through the equations slightly quicker when I remember is to not state the domain until the lines adjacent to it are also in place so I can just state the domain based on the intersection point instead of guess and check basically. Maybe that doesn’t sound like much, but it helped and is an improvement over last year when we did a similar assignment. I think I probably got better at estimating the angles I would need to create shapes, which helped me move quicker when I was working. There are a bunch of things I probably could have done better on this project, working on the proportions and accurately representing my facial features is one of those things, but I also feel like I should be able to ask for help when I need to, I don’t think I communicate enough when I’m unsure about something and that is something I think I should fix. 


I rotated this in desmos so that’s why I’m faced up instead of lying on my side


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