Invention Scavenger Hunt 4

Invention Discovery Scavenger Hunt 4

Testing your invention

How will you know if your invention will be successful? You have to test it. How will you test it? By asking questions below, and write your answers down below. After you have finished writing, discuss it with others on whether you think your invention will be successful and where it may be improved.

  1. What is the problem I am solving?

People underestimating how far two meters is and attempting to prevent that by having a lightweight umbrella shaped device that can keep people 2 meters away for the safety of the user and others.

  1. Where did I get my idea? Is it really original?

As far as I can tell, the idea is original, and I got the idea because of all the things people are doing right now and the length some people will go to stay safe, and I think that could make this product popular.

  1. What other inventions or products are like it?

It does look fairly similar to an umbrella in shape, with a much longer stem, but it is also sort of similar to the masks, but can also keep people far enough at bay to meet the two meters asked by health officials

  1. What name did I come up with?

I came up with the name “covid cover” because it kind of tells you what the product is supposed to do as well as the start of each word rhymes as well. Another good reason for it is that the name is not very hard to remember and it’s not super dull either in my opinion

  1. Will my invention work?

I think that it will work

  1. How do I know?

It keeps people at a safe distance between each other and provides a sort of shield in case of a rogue sneeze or cough in your direction. It should also be light weight, so it is not difficult for people to hold up, especially for elders. The spine can also retract into a shorter, more compact area so transportation should not be an issue.
7. Is it practical? Can it be made easily?

It would be practical for everyday use because of it’s ability to shrink down to be easily carried and is good for making sure you are in a safe environment. The design is quite simple and if the spine is made of some sort of waterproof alloy or plastic and the cover a clear plastic, I think it would be fairly cheap for make for what it could be sold for.

  1. How expensive will it be to make? Will it break easily? For you best answers, GOOGLE… “how to make your invention prototype” and view the results… you may have to do a little digging.

I looked into polycarbonate as a material for a stem which is essentially a very strong plastic. I found a deal where you can get a load of 25 or more tubes of polycarbonate for about $9 per 8 feet they are hollow tubes that are abut a quarter inch thick. It isn’t light as a feather, but it will do. I also found an acrylic plastic sheet worth about $4 and I could cut a shield or two from it. That means each product would be about $13, which I believe is fair.

  1. Will People use my invention? How do I know?

A lot of people are very overprotective of themselves in a time like this and I think that this will drive some people to purchase a product such as this one.

  1. Who else has thought of the same idea? Check out this article and write a brief about what you think?

I didn’t find anybody who had the same type of idea as I did when I checked. In terms of the document, I believe it would be a very easy trick to fall for, so people should probably be qualified to make an invention like this, lest they get inventoritis. I also may not get a lot of business on this either until the pandemic is over or slowing, when the value would go down a lot. There is also so many cool, unique, and helpful inventions waiting to be discovered though, and we shouldn’t just sit back and wait for somebody else to invent it, depending on your idea, the product could save lives.

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