Denny’s: One of the best diners that happens to be a food chain.

Despite being in a world overrun by technology and social media, Denny’s demonstrates that people can still have somewhere else to go to that’s more retro and easy-going, rather than a fast-paced fast-food corporation. From the sizzling sounds of the burgers being cooked on a shiny, metal stove, to the pans clanging of workers who quicken to serve their customers, Denny’s is the type of old-school brand to never go out of style (like Chuck Taylor’s ). Their service provides a sense of comfort and care, as you’re greeted by wonderful waitresses who show you to their tall, yet comfy booths that are lit by a low blazing light. The bright yet moody aura this restaurant gives is one to look out for, with primary colors such as yellow meshed with a secondary – like brown – is a great example of how the restaurant will tend to contrast with one another. This provides a sense of intimacy if you were to dine with two, or, even a family. Crossing out the very idea that you would need to go on your phone devices to check one’s feed or chat with separate people. Not to mention, all their food is served on time just as guests tend to look around for their respective orders; the tension, the build-up towards that one moment where your food is handed to you – perfect. Take for example, their Honey Jalapeño Bacon Sriracha Burger… Oh yes, it’s as good as it sounds. With a beef patty grilled to greasy perfection, along with their thick cut jalapeños and bacon that’s drowned in sriracha sauce, it’s finally topped off with soft yet adequately-sized burger buns. It’ll leave a taste so pure, so profound, that if you could, you would ask for a second serving. With a side of crisp, crunchy onion rings and a milkshake that could definitely bring the boys to the yard, it’s quite hard to believe that this restaurant is indeed a major food corporation; considering all the homeliness and love that’s been given towards this beautiful meal. At this point during the dine-in, where you’re close to finishing that delicious meal, the one feeling that leaves your body is this sense of euphoric intoxication and that you have fulfilled what you came for, giving off a positive impression towards those that had done their absolute best to satisfy your appetite. But alas, you’re not finished quite yet, you’ve yet to try one of their desserts: the Chocolate Lava Cake. A warm, rich chocolate cake that breaks down just enough to reveal an oozing amount of molten chocolate that’s on the inside. Alongside that ecstatic scenario, is accompanied with two scoops of vanilla ice cream, the audacity to combine such a combination can leave only one description at best: mouth-watering. After you’ve finished your hypnotizing meal, you’ve yet to realize the above-average cheque that you have to pay, however one small amount of money doesn’t matter in the end as you realize, you and your companions leave satisfied. Satisfied, with the intimacy, the atmosphere, the feel, the service, the people and most importantly – the meal.