Math 10 – Week 7

This week in Math I focused on finding the measurement of a missing angle for Trigonometry.

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Generally, this is in the same line on how to deal with SOHCAHTOA, but rather than multiplying by its’ first function button, I pressed the secondary function button to get (sin-1) or however other ones there are. Afterwards, I divided the two measurements given and from then on I found the answer to my question.

My “a-ha” moment of this week featured two things:

1) To find the ratios of a triangle, the longest side represents the hypotenuse and is directly across from a right angle. Secondly, to find the opposite, it is simply opposite directly from the reference angle. Thirdly, by default the last missing side would be the adjacent side.

2) I learnt two vocabulary words: Angle of depression, angle of elevation. The latter I assumed would just be a regular triangle whereas the former I had little to no idea what I could do. Then the idea stemed from the workbook itself as I looked at both picture examples of angle of depression and angle of elevation, as I looked at it carefully I realized the angle of depression only represented an upside down triangle. Afterwards, I just input the measurements and right angle to form my triangle diagram and solved questions relating to that.