NYC News March 1960s
A boy found dead in the sidewalk after being stabbed
Around 11:30 p.m. a royal was stabbed and killed in a sidewalk. This young boy’s name was Andy. Andy was sixteen-year-old who was part of a gang well known as The Royal Gang. Unfortunately, he had encountered another gang which known as The Guardians. When he walked through a back alley on his way to buy a package of cigarettes at Alfredo’s on the next block. At the exact time, he was ambushed and later stabbed by a member of the Guardians.
These two gangs have had many terrible fights and this encounter involved Andy. After some investigating the police already know what happened, a gang related stabbing. Police officer also knew that when they saw The Royals on his jacket that this wasn’t new to him because it happened every time, and that this was a planned attack.
According to the police officer that arrived after the crime. Andy Anderson was wearing a bright, purple, silk jacket. It was also known that Andy didn’t die right after he was stabbed, but that he talked to a couple right before he died.
Photo taken by Flickr
The couple who had talked to Andy before he passed away (Laura and Freddie), recall what they had said to him. ‘Laura and I were walking through the alley when we saw Andy lying on the ground. I asked him if he was okay, Freddie. He said “please, please help me”. ‘I wanted to help him, but we don’t want to get involved to the fight between the two gangs.’
Police were also able to find him on the sidewalk with his girlfriend Laura who had this to say: “When I didn’t see Andy for a long period of time, I knew something wasn’t right so I rush to him but it was too late Andy is dead.