Digital Footprint

My digital footprint will effect my future opportunities because people will be able to see what i posted, what i am good at, and what i like. And from that information they can offer me a job or job interview. if i were to post something inappropriate or bad people would be able to see that and rethink their decision of giving me a job or job interview.


three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint safe are to think before you post because sometimes you think it is a good idea to post something but in the future you realize it wasn’t a good idea. the second strategy that you can use is to be responsible with how you use social media. and the third strategy is to not believe everything you see on the internet and social media.

i have learned that what you post on the internet stays there forever so you have to be careful what you post because i could come back to bite you one day. i would tell other students to think before they post, be responsible, and don’t believe everything you see on the internet and social media.


all pictures are found on