Rube Goldberg Project

click here to see the explanation of the machine

Click Here to see the Machine in action


Write up: For our Rube Goldberg project we thought up the idea of having our end goal to play a video from my laptop and it turned out to be a great idea. We built the machine trying to incorporate at least 5 different energy types and with our final product we had 7 different types of energy; mechanical, chemical, gravitational, electrical, magnetic, elastic, and sound energy. Overall, i think our machine was very creative and we had a lot of fun while building it.


Core Competency Self Reflection: Creative Thinking

I think this project showed a lot about our creativity. We had to think of many ideas to create the machine, some worked and some didn’t. We were forced to think outside of the box and come up with creative ways to work around problems and create a machine that we can be proud of.