Blog Log Three: Dual Reality

DualĀ Reality

I Believe in Reality

I clicked on this post because reality is so often overlooked, and so for someone to say they believe in reality, it is interesting to see what they conceive reality to be. The author uses descriptive and personal tone to get across the idea that reality is a disgusting thing which people develop fantasies to distract themselves from. For instance, he juxtaposes two ideas, that of the “miraculous” childbirth, and that of the ‘real’ childbirth. “Far from miraculous, childbirth was about as real as it gets: bloody, messy, gooey, dirty, and real…. As I held her, I realized that the stakes were different now. I wanted what I could never have: I wanted my daughter, beautiful and perfect as she was in my eyes, to live forever.” The conclusion is that he understands why people believe in “fantasies” but that he prefers his “reality-based” perspective, and that reality also has “wonder and beauty and smiles and kindness.” There seems to be this misunderstanding that reality only counts for that which is immediately sensuous. The “fantasy” actually comes from the irrational human brain, and so the dismissal of it is a purely rational idea. To embrace reality, is to accept irrationality as-well as death.

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