September 1 1939– World War II started. Germany invaded Poland. Many people were killed, in over 714 locations. At least 5000 victims were Jews
History: On September 1 1939, the Germans invaded Poland. Within weeks of the invasion the Polish army was defeated. German units, with more than 2,000 tanks and over 1,000 planes, broke through polish defenses along the border and attacked Warsaw.
Image Caption: In this picture Germany is marching to invade Poland
Application to novel: This point in time is relevant to the story because Riva and her family were all caught in this terrible time, and experienced it hands on. They were fighting to stay alive and be able to overcome what the Nazis threw at them. The day world war 2 started was the day her life changed completely, and her childhood was taken away. Riva was proud to be Jewish but unfortunately that was the reason her life was so terrible. She was forced to become the mother to her brothers, as well as remaining their sister. At 16 she was their legal guardian forced to provide for them.
October 12 1939– Germany begins deportation of Austrian and Czech Jews to Poland
History: After Hitler’s authorization, German authorities began deporting German, Austrian, and Czech Jews. They primarily removed Jews from the German- occupied Poland. The European rail network played a crucial role in the deportation process
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Image Caption: In this picture, many Jews are being deported to concentration camps
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Application to novel: This picture relates to the novel because in the story, many Jews were told that they were going to have a much better life, with much more food then they were currently getting. They Nazis said this so they could round up the Jews much easier, with much less work. So Riva decided to take the chance to give her and her brothers a better life, she grabbed all she could carry and voluntarily headed to the train to get deported. Then she was taken to the concentration camp where her life became much worse then it was before.
May 7 1940– Lodz Ghetto (Litzmannstadt) sealed
History: On May 7 1940 the Germans sealed off the Lodz ghetto. Approximately 165,000 people were sealed in 1.6 square miles
Image Caption: In this picture you can see the fencing around the ghetto, keeping everybody in
Source :,6,6
Application to novel: The Lodz ghetto being sealed was a very large part in the novel. The main character and her family all lived in Lodz. This is the day they were practically imprisoned and were stripped of the majority of their food. They were not allowed to go in or out of the ghetto, and they weren’t allowed to bring anything in or out. Because they were imprisoned, and nothing could go in or out, the doctors couldn’t get any medicine. So everybody began to die from all sorts of illness’ that could have previously been treated. Everybody was getting weak and they were extremely over worked.
February 1 1941– German authorities begin rounding up Polish Jews
History: On February 1 1941 German authorities began rounding up Polish Jews for transfer to Warsaw Ghetto. 10,000 Jews died from starvation in the ghetto between January and June 1941
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Image Caption : In this picture the Nazis are marching to round up the Jews
Source :,6
Application to novel: This picture relates to the novel because Riva and her whole family were all Polish Jews. A way the Nazis tried to round them up was bringing a speaker to be very sweet and pretend that he cared, just so the Jews would voluntarily go to the concentration camps. Another way, shown in the story was a deportation list every little while, and if you were on it you had to go, or the Nazis would find you. They also raided houses and took as many Jews as they possibly could. Riva and her family ended up in the concentration camp because they voluntarily went, believing they would actually have a better life, and be able to stay with her brothers.
1945– Hitler is defeated
History: In 1945 Hitler is defeated and World War II ends in Europe. The Holocaust is over and the death camps are emptied. Many of the survivors are placed in displaced persons facilities.
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Image Caption: This is a picture of Hitler. He was the whole reason World War II started.
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Application to novel: This date relates to the novel because Hitler was the entire cause of World War II, and the whole story is based around world war 2. When Hitler is defeated Riva gets her freedom back and is able to go where ever she pleases. She is done living in a concentration camp and she can now start her life over again. She will never get her childhood back but she at least has her freedom back.
April 30 1945– Hitler commits suicide, liberation of Ravensbruck
History: On this day, Adolf Hitler killed himself by gunshot. His wife Eva committed suicide with him by taking cyanide.
Image Caption: This is a picture of Hitler before he committed suicide
Source :,6
Application to novel: This event is relevant to the novel because I believe, that when Hitler takes his own life, it is a breath of fresh air for all the survivors who suffered from his terrible actions. I think that for Riva, her family and every other survivor it is a moment to celebrate. I also think that they can now truly live free, with out the fear of Hitler coming back to power and starting a World War III.