This project was all about communicating research and data that is usually difficult to visualize for the viewer, in an engaging and visual way. I chose to create an infographic for the purpose of graphs, color and font, and acting on existing connections. Graphs were utilized to provide an abundant of information in a more appealing and engaging way, the viewer is able to see through a pie chart the percentage better than what they could have observed reading rows of raw data. To add to the appeal I created a color scheme that was bright and eye catching, entrancing the viewer to look at the provided facts and information. For font, choosing a simplistic and bold looked allowed for large topics to seemingly be communicated in a few umbrella words. The font and colors were both however, paired with other symbols that enhanced the experience. Accompanying headings were small icons that visualized the main idea of the content that was to be given down below. Both this and the color coordination preyed upon existing connections that the viewer may already have and associate with the content. An example of this includes the colors for each representative on all charts and visuals. Many Canadians, my target audience for this particular infographic, subconsciously connect colors such as those in my infographic to political parties. Trudeau and his Liberals are related to red, Scheer and the Conservatives are connected with blue, and so on. Using this the communication of data is more visual, and easily understandable for the data consumer.