Machine Learning Inquiry Project

In Ms. McArthur’s Math 10 Honours class we worked to create inquiry projects this year. Conducting in depth research regarding our chosen topics then tying it all back into a final answer to our inquiry process. But the inquiry cycle is ever changing and maybe...

Desmos Math Art

Graphing Me! Check out my desmos - made self portrait!      The assignment involving creating a caricature of oneself on desmos was an interesting one. At first I believed that creating a character would be extremely simple, but I was soon proven wrong. I needed to...

Math Graphing Story

To apply our classroom learnt skills involving graphing, domain, and range we created Graphing Stories in Math 10 Honors. My group included Ksenya, Anna, and myself and together we created a flip-tastic math video that anyone can challenge themselves to graph! Answer...

Flag Pole Lab

Tools and Considerations While doing this project we used three main tools to aid our measurements including; a trundle wheel, a clinometer, and a meter stick. As we do not have access to precision measurement instruments we had to do the best with what we had trying...

Infinite Thoughts

What do you know about infinity? Infinity is the term used to describe the never ending in Math. From counting numbers never stopping, you can always add or subtract 1 more or 1/10000000000th more to make a greater or lesser number than before. I know that infinity is...