A) What are the strengths? Things you found useful.

Divi builder is a powerful tool that simplifies complex programming. I find the fact that Divi builder has so many smaller customizations that you are able to do and gives you so many options for customization. It also is able to determine sizing of columns and rows as well as pick background colors and various ways to display a simple image. The plugin is overall quite useful, and the colorful format of it is appealing and easy to understand and differentiate the columns.

B) What are theĀ  weaknesses? Things you found could be improved.

Sometimes Divi builder’s vocabulary can be confusing. The option to change background color could be under the content tab instead of design where you would assume it would be. Divi builder’s live editor for page editing also shows sizing and column division differently then when you publish your website and visit the page.

C) How can this plugin be used in a classroom setting to enhance student learning? Would you use it and/or recommend it?

The plugin has many benefits and offers so many more customization, placement, and proportioning options compared to the standard editor. Not only would it be able to enhance student learning but it makes personalization much simpler and customization more personal and enjoyable. I would definitely recommend it!