These are the questions in the crossword. If you would only like the pdfs for the crossword and answer key to it, scroll to the very bottom of this post. Answers are also toward the bottom.

  1. What sphere surrounds the earth?

2. If you see a mountain what sphere would it belong to?

Crossword Picture from Creative Commons Picture By Jessica Whittle CC license  link

3. What sphere do living organisms belong to?

4. Which of following does the hydrosphere include? (Write the letter of the answer) a. fish, b. clouds, c. minerals, d. carbon?

5. Crocodiles are NOT carbon sinks (write true or write false)

6. Which of the following is the most likely path a carbon atom could take? (Write the letter of the correct answer) a. Atmosphere, underwater volcano, atmosphere, b.Tree, Deer, City, c. Atmosphere, Bear, Fox, Plant, Soil, d. Atmosphere, Human, Polar Bear

7, Which is a carbon release agent? a. soil b. trees c. mountains d. humans

8. What animal is a herbivore? a. ladybug b. cows c. pigs d. chickens

9. Polar Bears are carnivores. (write true or write false)

10. In the order of producer, first consumer, and second consumer. Which chain would be correct? a. grass, caribou, crow b. tree, live beaver, snake, c. snake, tree, live beaver, d. grass, crow, caribou-

11. What is the source of all energy?

12. Is a human a first consumer, or second consumer, or both? (write our the word first or the word second)

13. A crow is a decomposer(Write either true or false)

14. Is water an abiotic or biotic element of an habitat?(Put the letter) a. biotic, b. abiotic, c. both, d. it is not an element of the habitat.

15. Animals live in places that they are comfortable in. Just like you live comfortably in Vancouver. One could say Vancouver is your _________?

16. What is the process of intaking carbon? (for humans)

17. When writing an organisms scientific name what do you do? Italics, Underline, Circle, Bold

18. What is taxonomy?( Put the letter) a. the science of classification b. A list of animals c. The science behind tax d. All of the above

19. Living things need food to give them _____ .

20.What language is an animals scientific name written in?

21. Why can a polar bear not survive in the desert? a. they don’t have their basic needs b. it is too hot c. it doesn’t have the food it regularly eats d. All of the above

Polar Bear Picture from Creative Commons photo by LUZ-2011 link to license

22. What kingdom do humans belong to?

23. Are spiders carnivorous (yes or no)

24. What sphere(s) do we interact with?

25. Why are decomposers an important part of ecosystems? a. they eat dirt b. they keep away pests c. they break down matter into soil d. they break down plant food for plants.

From Creative Commons By Ricky Artigas Link to license

Answer Key

  1. Atmosphere 2. Geosphere 3. Biosphere 4. B 5. False 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. False 10. D 11. Sun 12. First 13.  False 14. B 15. Habitat 16. Respiration 17. Underline 18. A 19. Energy 20. Latin 21. D 22.  Animalia 23. Yes 24. All spheres 25. C

Here is the document for a crossword with these Questions and a pdf with answers.

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