Imagery in Indian Horse

The fourth time we stood quietly, each of us lost in our thoughts, as the fish struggled for air, for life, for freedom. When we bent finally and took the fish in our hands to set them back into the water, most of us were crying,” (Wagamese ,53).


In this quote, Wagamese is showing that the kids in residential school are missing how they used to eat and catch fish and enjoy their life. But this quote is not all about the joy of fishing, because the fishing represents and symbolizes their old life that they had, and they’re not crying because they miss only fishing, but because they miss what they had, their family and way of life, that now is taken from them.I think that Wagamese used fish in this imagery because it was their main diet and it shows their connection whith the environment. In my opinion this is the best way that Wagamese could picture the sadness that all these boys suffered. Because this happens to me all the time, I know that I’m not here by force and people are not torturing me like how this kids are being tortured, but when you find something that reminds you of the good days that you had with your friends and family in the past and knowing that there is a very good chance that you will never experience that happiness again, that’s the worst feeling that someone could ever have and it usually goes like how Wagamese describes it.