Character Sketch – Two Fishermen

Micheal Foster, a character from “The Two Fishermen” by Morley Callaghan. Micheal is an ambitious report, who hopes to become an important newspaper man ” to go to the city some day and become a journalist” (Callaghan 1). Micheal shows that he is embarrassed to be around K.Smith in public; hes feels judged when walking around with Smitty “Michael backed into the crowd and all  the time he felt dreadful, ashamed as though he were betraying Smitty”  (Callahan 4). Micheal is not a very good friend towards Smitty, he does not have his back and is scared to speak up. Micheal is also a character that only tries to please people and not himself. He is also the type of character that seems trustworthy, a “friend” and, a good all around guy to be with. In the story “The Two Fishermen” by Morley Callaghan, Micheal becomes friend with Smitty as known as “The Hangman” but Micheal does not know that till later. Once Smitty was being rudely attacked by small rocks by the towns people; Micheal turned his back and walked away. Micheal Foster, a character in the short story, “Two Fishermen” by Morley Callaghan, is nice one on one, knows everyone’s busy, gains trust, and does not like when people dislike him.

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