Bubblegum Lab


In this experiment, we tested which type of gum blew bigger bubbles. We also tested the stretchability of the gum to see how it related to bubble size. Gum A was Hubba Bubba and gum B was Big League Chew. They both weighed 8 grams. Some observations for gum A was that it was in a block, it was purple and its hard. For gum B we saw that they were strings, pink and soft. The hypothesis we wrote was “If the Big League Chew is string type it should blow bigger bubbles because Hubba is harder and will break easier. We did 3 bubble trials for each gum. The results for gum A were: 3cm then 2cm and finally 5cm. For gum B however, the results were: 12cm then 6cm then 11cm. My conclusion for part 1 of the experiment is that Big League Chew blew bigger bubbles because of the soft texture, therefore, our hypothesis was supported. For Part 2 we were gonna roll our gum into a ball and stretch it out and see how long it stretched out. But first I answered the question ” How does gum stretch-ability relate to bubble size?” My response was that if it is more stretchy the bubble will stretch out bigger and not break. When we did the test, Gum A stretched out to 110cm and gum B stretched out to 121cm. Gum stretchability relates to bubble size in the fact that if it is more stretchy the bubbles will get bigger according to my experiment. Five variables that may have affected the outcome of this experiment are: My jaw could have gotten tired, I could have been lucky with the bubble size, tongue might not have been consistent every time, the string could have popped the bubble and the time in between each of the blown bubbles. The data I collected is both qualitative and quantitative because I used grams to measure weight and centimeters to measure length. SI units were used in this lab since metric system is accepted in scientific labs. Overall I think it was a successful and super fun experiment that I enjoyed doing.


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