DOAS monologue

The following is an example I created for the character of happy from “Death of a Salesman”

sits is a monologue because he will be talking to Willy about staying in his brothers shadow and always being number 2

this monologue would fit in the current plot point of staying at home

(i know i am supposed to make this within the story but i cant yet)

happy: I am sick and tiered of always being put down and ignored, I get biff is the quarter back of the family but i have my talents to. I am almost manager, i am getting married and what do my parents do, shut up and lets talk about Biff because biffs on a farm and not in a office selling stuff. Biff is still out there and not settled down. In high school all you did was praise Biff but when my achements came, you didn’t care, you didn’t have the time to even say “good job happy” .  You would pass it off untill Biff’s achements came along and the whole world would say HALILUAY but when did that ever happen to me. NEVER I am always second runner up in your books, the kid who stayed home and setteled down just so I could get some praise from my loving family but all I got was hate and nothing except a don’t intruped your mother here and not now happy there. I am SICK OF IT