math 10 week 17

elimination step 1: get your two systems step 2: make zero pairs and add the rest step 3: divide by the x/y coefficient step 4: write in point step 5: put the point into a equation and find the missing variable step 6: move the…

math 10 week 16

how to get form point-slope form into general form point slope form is: m(x-x1)= y-y1 if the points are (4,12) and the slope is 2 then the equation is: 2(x-4)= y-12 with the 2 you times it by every thing in the brackets so the…

math 10 project

99 mathematician walk into a bar and the bar tender says “sorry we don’t serve your kind here” the first mathematician steps forward and says “don’t worry were just trying to find X by the real question is Y”      

math 10 week 15

how to tell if a slope is positive, negative, zero or undefined if the slope crosses at the top y its positive if the slope crosses at the bottom y its negative if its a horizontal line its zero if it’s a vertical line then…

math 10 week 14

slope= rise/run step 1: write out m=rise/run step 2: change m=rise/run step 3: write out m=y1-y2/x1-x2 step 4: change out y and x for numbers (6,4)(12,15) step 5: solve m=4-12/6-15  

math week 13

function notation step 1: write F(x): f is the name and x is the input step 2: get a equation 7(x) + 6: the equation is the stuff you use to get the out put step 3: get a number for x: lets use 4=…

math 10 week 11

midterm study all chapters had the greatest common factor chapter one you learn it chapter 2 you use it with exponents chapter 3 you use it with mesuerment chapter 4 you use it with trigonometry chapter 5 and 6 you use it with polynomials

math 10 week 12

intercepts X and Y and quadrants all x intercepts are on the horizontal and y intercepts are on the vertical line to find the intercepts draw a giant + then mark the X and Y intercepts write in the top right Q1 write in top…

math week 10

factoring binomials with a minus symbol step 1: get your equation 4x^2 – 6 step 2: list all possibly factors of the last number 1*6, 2*3 step 3: know that with a negative one must be positive and one must be native step 4: figure out…