Converting Units
This week in math 10, I learned how to convert different units. To be more specific the units of distance. When converting a distance, you must take the distance that was given and place it over 1. Now that you have a fraction you take the numerator and find the connection. (For example, if you want to convert m/h to mm/min, you would find the connections between them, starting with how many mm are in a m, then how many min are in an h.) After knowing all the connections you then must place the matching units across from each other to cancel them out. (For example, if you have mm as the numerator for the first fraction then the next fraction mm would be the denominator, so they can cancel each other out.) At the end of cancelling out the pairs, you should only be left with 2 units (mm/min.) At the end of placing everything in the correct order, you then multiply all the top numbers than dividing them from the bottom numbers. The 2 units you were left with become your final units.