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Astronomy Wonder Project

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What questions did you need to research in order to research your topic? My questions are:

  • what do we see the universe as?
  • what do we understand about the Big Bang?
  • How did the Big Bang affect the universe?
  • Any evidence that the Big Bang created impact to our universe?

What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

  • I am actually new to using EBSCO and Destiny search engines because I normally use Google. These new two search engines actually helped me a lot because the sources that I found from there were very credible – which there was no random ads and such. Furthermore, the sources that I found from these tools were educational and informative unlike in Google, some sources that I looked into are general answers and aren’t in-depth. But with EBSCO and Destiny, I was able to find some information that helped me with my inquiry question.

What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

  • I started by gathering information through looking up on Google, EBSCO, and Destiny. During this process, I had to make sure the sites that I’m going to gather information are credible, in-depth, and educational. After I have gathered 5 different sources, I used the research template that my teacher provided on OneNote as my guideline to make the process easier and organized. Additionally, I gathered information that answers my small questions that I made that would help me find answers to my BIG question. With the research template, I was able to collect info from the sources that I’ve chosen then I just took down notes so I can easily comprehend the information.

How did you verify and cite the information you found?

  • I verified the information that I found: I checked by URLs that are :gov/ :org/ and :edu because I think these articles are published by professionals with regards to science. Furthermore, I checked to see if the sources have random ads or not which helped me find our if the sites are credible or not. I cited the sources that I found by using a citation machine and my cited sources are in MLA format.
  1. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could have you done better?
  • I find this project hard with the research process because I had to make sure the sources that I’d use are credible and relevant to my topic. Also, I had a bit of a hard time putting the PowerPoint altogether because I had to make it well-organized and concise. I could’ve done better by adding more images that would have helped the readers visualize what I’m trying to share in my presentation. Furthermore, I could’ve delivered my information to my peer better by presenting it with more images as well as making it easier for them to comprehend with what I was trying to say. But overall, I enjoyed doing this project because I learned a lot about the origin of the universe that made sense theoretically. Additionally, the research template that I used during the process helped me a lot because I was more organized and I had a guide that helped me save time putting my presentation together.
Published inScience 10


  1. breanaghm2017

    good job magi! i really liked the start screen but maybe try focusing on some more key parts when presenting. your question was really insightful

  2. yoonsikw2017

    I really loved your presentation, and contents. Basically, what you have researched is totally connecting with my wonder question, so it was really nice to have deeper debate about big bang theory 🙂 I also liked the quote “We also can look forward to find more discoveries in the future”, because I also focused on the relationship between creature on planet and stars. I hope we could find more discoveries someday 🙂

  3. Donna

    Great inquiry question, and excellent content you have. Your presentation is appealing and engaging to read as you have such nice layouts. Job well-done!

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